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Posts posted by Cheltsoulnights

  1. Paris blues, you either love it or hate it, I believe it was an early wigan discovery.

    Very big in its hayday, occasionally gets played today. To me it is not a mid-tempo, it is a chilling out track. I was speaking to someone saturday about this record, there is not a week goes past in the last 20 years, believe it or not where I have heard it 3-4 times a week. The words on it are really confusing, have I got this right, this fella takes his girl to Paris and it goes pear shaped straight away, he goes back on his own, and relives the fantasy which he wanted to happen in the first place. Please put me out of my misery and tell me i'm right!



    I would like to think of it as one the greatest beat ballads of all time


  2. Duncan...how are you?

    Heard you were on Soul Source.

    You still in Scotland... bet you're missing your oatcakes eh!

    Sean Brereton sends his best, drop us an email at macejojo@aol.com

    Regards, Mace.


    There are loads of us coming up from Cheltenham/Gloucester

    its a guaranteed sell out at a guess


  3. Interested to know whether he originally said he'd do it, and if so what changed his mind.


    Qoute from Dave Thorley

    I hope that Richard can still make it, But the event is about the spirit and greatness of Stafford and will most certainly be well supported. A big name Stafford DJ is currently as we speak being approached to fill the gap if neccessary if due to work commitments Richard can't make it.

  4. Why is this in Stoke and not at a venue in Stafford? It doesn't make sense, it's like having a Wigan anniversary in Warrington. :wicked:


    Why not?

    there was a Wigan Anniversary in Stoke last year

    and in Blackburn if memory serves me right

    Also the Top of the world now has a Ginormous bar in the middle of the dance floor

  5. I was going to ask him if he had enough medical insurance

    but thought better of it

    as he would probably have passed the message to paypal

    Im out in Royston Saturday night if anyone out there wants to meet up and get pissed

  6. He sent me a Message when i started the credit card clawback

    telling me


    I know where your shop is, i come to england in two weeks, you better have plenty of insurance, Jeff

    This was probably because the Woman who fronted the paypal account Valerie Guerton wanted the money back off him as paypal where hassling her

    its a shame she lives with him or he might have come unstuck

  7. Thats f*** all Pete

    he done me for £3k and I aint seen none of it again



    THE SKINT GASHER :thumbup:   blush.gif   :fool:  :diablo:  :P   :graywanker:


    Bloody hell

    he must be making a mint

    all these people he is ripping off for no recourse

  8. :thumbsup:

    hello every one

    i am a collector from belgium

    I know a lot of people are searching activly any information on a seller Salomon Giuseppe. He is on ebay with the id of chatvin50.

    You can verify, I have given him very negative feedback.

    I also have been robbed by him. I paid him 600 $ for two records I have never received. Now he is from Belgium and I am also from Belgium and because of him Belgian collectors have very bad reputation.

    Now I found out his address and telephone number and I am willing to help everybody so that he will get in a lot of trouble and cannot rob anyone in future.

    My id on ebay is bigvoice64 .

    His address is :



    2 MONS 7000 BELGIQUE

    His phone 0484 500838

    e mail lepoutere80@hotmail.com


    He done me for 1100 Euros but i got lucky and my credit card refunded me as i paid through Paypal

    paypal account

    Valerie Guerton at the same address

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