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Motown Label

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John Bull; standard font, size 4 :thumbsup:

Jees, that's showing your age,

remember those tweesers in the kit to save getting ink on your hands

I reckon every kid who ever had one of them only ever got to use it once before their parents binned it - ink every bloody where. Those ink pads were raelly good for doing fingerprints with, of the cats, the dog etc. I remember the bollockin I got even now


Edited by caseoftyme
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Guest Paul

On The UK Tamla Motown label, what font is used for the artist credits ?

Anybody know ???


Assuming you mean the Tamla Motown issues via EMI, they used the same style for all EMI labels and the general font was from the Trade Gothic family (or style) but for the actual titles and artists they used a horizontally condensed version with extra tracking between each word.

Remember that in those days it was either hot metal or typesetting on varitype machines etc. so it isn't easy to accurately recreate the style using today's methods - unless you use a few tricks.

Best reagrds,

Paul Mooney

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