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    • Chris Calloway - You're Something Else

      What a first rate performance. Thank you for posting this. I had no idea she was Cab Calloway's daughter. That's what amazing about this site always learning new info. I love how she's overcome with Enjoy at the end ,knowing she nailed it. I had this 45 on Mgm/Cub? I think that was the label. Magic Tune!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Pat & The Blenders - Just Because

      Not heard this track or group before .Class Act ,Wonderful vocal harmonies. Thank you so very much for sharing these wonderful videos=0)

    • Wigans Chosen Few Footsie BBC Totp 1975

      Sightly off topic...I do enjoy the videos on you tube, where some one has uploaded a tune with a clip  from old black & White movie. With dancers like Fred Astaire & Ginger Rogers also the Nicolas Brothers. Some times the dancing matches up!

    • Wigans Chosen Few Footsie BBC Totp 1975
      Just now, NSDancer said:

       Sorry Okehdownsouth I ment to put yr quote up to give my reply context.100%  agree with what you said. I've spend many hours watching videos of dancing on you tube. Yes there is a lot of 'cringe' in those dancing competitions...

      The problem with a lot of the Youtube videos is that people copy the film and dub over it with their favorite records, so the folks in these are actually dancing to a different record. The only way to see real dancers is to watch the live stuff, like the dreaded Footsie video where you can tell that the video is original and then you can see these people with no timing or sense of rhythm who are either just posing or can't dance. When the dancing comps started at Wigan I always use to exit stage right and make my way up to Mr M's for some real banging oldies

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