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Pete Watkin

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Everything posted by Pete Watkin

  1. Sorry people this is not a 8pm till 6am it should be 7.30 pm till late sorry for the miss print.
  2. Pete Watkin

    Capitol City Soul

    A night of quality Northern Soul & Motown At the Grantham Squash Club Harlaxton Road NG31 7JX Plenty of Free Parking, 5 minuet Drive from the town Centre, 2 minuets from the A1 and 2 minuets from the Premier Inn. Long established venue for Northern Soul with a great dance floor and very comfortable seating area.
  3. Pete Watkin

    Charity Soul Grantham

    A one off event in aid of Charity Soul the UKs Biggest Northern Soul Charity. Djs include Pete and Biz Martin Ashby Eric Hall And Ian B Forrester All proceeds to aid Charity Soul in the fight to beat Cancer.
  4. Capitol City Soul Grantham Railway Club Huntingtower Rd Grantham This month's DJs Pete & Gus plus Shirl Stevenson And Billy Maguire Doors open at 2 £4 on the door.
  5. Capitol City Soul Grantham Mini Dayer 6 hours of classic Northern Soul 2pm till 8pm At the Grantham Railway Club
  6. Pete Watkin

    Dogs Flyers

    Flyers for the dogs bollocks
  7. Pete Watkin

    dogs return

    From the album: Dogs Flyers

    Flyer for the dogs bollocks 2
  8. Pete Watkin

    the dogs bollocks

    Coming in Feb 2014
  9. Fret thanks for the comments firstly I would love to see any comments on face book because none have ever been posted from me, when the rumours first started I contacted you on the matter as is my way and I put them down to Chinese whispers. Now I seem to have had the same thing said about me as you believe I have said about you, It sticks me as strange that when I ask people about this they have been told by some one else. I have never wish you any thing but well with your venue and I have even offered to help in any way as you know. If you look back over any of my posts I have not named any dj's or promoters I just said closed due to people not liking my OV music policy with them believing it to be political, and after receiving post's say my OV policy was putting Newark soul down, I believed this to be the case. I still wish you well with your ventures and I hope they work out for you I have no animosity toward you. As for face book I have deleted lots of Newark people from mine due to the amount of crap being posted from people trying to get a rise from me, I don't play politics. I feel when you have attended any Smooth Soul events you have felt welcomed because you have been and I have always had a chat with you and passed time with you as friends do, and I have always found it nice that you have asked my advice and I have feely given it. If you had known about problems you could have come to me and it could have been sorted. As for my attitude to people do I have a bad attitude, or is it what people say I have as they may have the attitude. I still wish you well in your ventures.
  10. Thanks for the support from you all, be assured I am not out, just looking at a venue outside of Newark where quality OV can be played without the political crap. The new venue will be totally 100% OV with a massive helping of lost and forgotten gems, this is in the planning stage at the moment but I hope to have news soon. To dj's I have offered a start to I have today had a chat with my good friend Kev Such at the cracker and I have some good news for you, and I will be sending you all a pm soon, and to that end thanks Kev. The new venue will still offer the same start for new dj's playing OV. Once again thanks for the kind words and support.
  11. It is with a heavy heart that I report the close of Smooth Soul; I once said that if any event I promote becomes political I will close it down. Over the past few months there have been more and more political whispers and mumbles over my choice to play only original vinyl after 10pm,so rather then see my hard work and the hard work of the other resident dj's dragged through the dirt I have closed. I want to thank everyone who has been involved with the club over the past 7 years especially my good friend Gus with out who the club would not have been as much fun as it was, thanks mate. To all who would have been attending our next night I am sorry.
  12. It's a cracking tune well worth playing out as are plenty of b sides if only more dj's would have the nerve to give them a try, there are far to many play it safe bods out there.
  13. Quality set mate most of us can only dream of playing a set like that. You forgot Pic and Bill my fave tune thanks again.
  14. Bit of an old favs spot from me with a few that don't get play out enough. Jerry Butler Moody Woman Mercury "Requested" Billy Arnell Tough Girl Holly Willie Mitchell That Driving Beat London Adams Apples Don't Take It Out On This World Brunswick "Requested Cal Tjader Soul Sauce Verve Rain & Charity Brown Out Of My Mind Axe "Requested" Total Eclipse Six O'clock Imperial Lp The Five Stairsteps Playgirl's love Windy C The Caualeers Dance Dance Dance Roulette Lorraine Chandler Love You Baby Back Magic "Requested" Reparata It's Waiting There For You Mala Paul Anka When We Get There RCA Barbra Cooper What's One More Tear RCA Bob Brady / Con chords It's Been A Long Time Between Kisses Chariot The Babies Hand Of Fate Dunhill Howard Guyton I Watched You Slowly Slip Away Verve Christine Kittrell Call His Name King Plus others but I cant remember them Sorry
  15. Great play lists lads i will post mine latter today.
  16. Has to be Night Owl Bobby Parish, Still remember dancing to it at the Colas Club in Grantham.
  17. Nice play list mate i must try to post mine in the next few day's.
  18. I see nice one
  19. for a pre historic archeologist the handle fit's fine.
  20. so so sad
  21. So sad we have again lost to true soul.
  22. In November Soul for Heroes will once again host the poppy dayer but that's not what this thread is about. The concept behind this thread is to produce the biggest charity drive the scene has ever made, and it's so simple. First I am not asking you to send money to Soul for Heroes this is something you as a club promoter or dj can do and all you have to do is put your venue or club on this thread and commit to do this one thing and you can make a difference. What's the catch you say? no catch just a commitment, and this is it. In November we a Soul for Heroes will host a dayer and a SfH "lite" night in aid of the poppy appeal, will you do the same. More now then ever they need help to help the families and brave members of our armed forces. Well that it all you do is hold a night in November in there aid and send them the cash, it that simple. Who will join us at Soul for Heroes and commit to the drive Thanks Caveman
  23. Any of the Soul for Heroes "SFH" events

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