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Opinions of "younger" NS collectors out there?

Soul Salad

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On the good advice of Shinehead, I am interested to know the thoughts of the "younger" NS collectors, don't really want a specific age but for arguments sake say mid 30s.


Are you new to collecting/How long?

How did you get into it?

What sort of records are you buying?


I'd be really interested to know.


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I've no idea, but as it was in 1981/2, what I call the 'Kent Generation', when all you old buggars (respectfully) who were packing in Wigan, we were just getting going... 

I'm sure there are kids out there who are just buying the music, they may not get the introduction we did, Youth Clubs etc, but they are out there, you couldn’t have so much access to much soul music and there not be new followers, if you get what I mean. 

Benji, you have piqued my interest, I wonder who is the youngest member on here?  I might check that out... we wont name and shame her/him of course...

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23 minutes ago, Soul Salad said:

Well i never. If your correct, what does that say about the future of NS collecting then.

Impossible to answer , unless you are a fortune teller.

But I am surprised that people think that there is going to be loads kids getting in to music that was mainly made In the 60s/70s the very thing about kids is they want something fresh and exciting.

Would we have turned up at Wigan etc if it was full of 60 year olds.

Kids might listen to the music on YouTube  but that may be it and the format of vinyl will be of little significance to most.

Even me as a long time buyer of records 50 years I have no interest in purchasing records anymore , CDs streaming is my format now.

Obviously there is kids out there on the scene but they will be a minority.


It would be nice though to get an opinion of the younger generation of supporters of the music but there does not seem to be many on here to get any feedback. 


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30 minutes ago, Mal C said:

I've no idea, but as it was in 1981/2, what I call the 'Kent Generation', when all you old buggars (respectfully) who were packing in Wigan, we were just getting going... 

I'm sure there are kids out there who are just buying the music, they may not get the introduction we did, Youth Clubs etc, but they are out there, you couldn’t have so much access to much soul music and there not be new followers, if you get what I mean. 

Benji, you have piqued my interest, I wonder who is the youngest member on here?  I might check that out... we wont name and shame her/him of course...

LOL might be you Mal - that's a scary thought.

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1 hour ago, Soul Salad said:

Well i never. If your correct, what does that say about the future of NS collecting then.

That wasn't my point. My point was/is that Soul Source isn't the platform for the young ones. They prefer other ways of communication.

42 minutes ago, Mal C said:


Benji, you have piqued my interest, I wonder who is the youngest member on here?  I might check that out... we wont name and shame her/him of course...

I used to be one of the whippersnappers on here 25 odd years ago. I'm now 51 and I somehow feel I still am one of them.

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27 minutes ago, Shinehead said:

But I am surprised that people think that there is going to be loads kids getting in to music that was mainly made In the 60s/70s the very thing about kids is they want something fresh and exciting.


See I disagree with that, in Music lessons in 1982, when you were asked to bring in your own music, I remember all the girls were into Duran Duran, all the boys were into Madness, and we happy few shared a copy of 'Soul Class of 66' between us, and although it took a bit to get into Tommy Hunt's Sceptre slowies, the Steinways was an immediate hit!   that’s not going to change, good music will always appeal irrelative of age... in fact, like all of us on here, it was 'Unknown' it was exotic, and it was ours, and that was all we needed to find out more...

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