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Article Comments posted by Quinvy

  1. I was always late for work in the 70's. I could sleep through a hurricane.


    But the noise of the letterbox followed by a satisfying thud as a parcel of records hit the doormat had me up and there in seconds.


    Great thread and article.

  2. No wonder I could never get through on the phone.


    I very rarely got my first choice of record, it was very frustrating in those days.


    I always wanted visit Soul Bowl in person, but it was a bloody long way and I never did make it.


    I had an arrangement with my boss at work so that I could use the telephone in my department until I got through, then however much time I had lost, I would work when everyone else had gone home.


    As well as Soul Bowl, Brian Phillips list was my favourite. Again I very rarely got my first choice off the list, and I'm not surprised after hearing that half the countries Dj's were perminently camped outside his house at the time.

  3. Saw loads of great deejays at Stoke on Saturday..they had a dancefloor of 1500 people in the palm.of thir hands...Sean Chapman...Chris King Dave Evison...etc etc.Electric atmosphere...no warm up records...and Soul Sam in a smaller room with a packed dancefloor....amazing stuff.

    A monkey with a box of boots could do that. Easiest gig in the world.

  4. I write what I truly feel but I don't think you need 'bollocks' to qualify. Are you saying my review of the night is untrue? From what I see here he had 'bollocks' because he had negative things to say about it. I'm not good at maths but bollocks + negativity = negative bollocks :lol:

    Karen, there's so much bad blood and politics on this scene........and yes, some very nasty people..........I'm just glad to be out of it...........

  5. well you are hardly gonna find out how Karl did on Saturday in this topic.

    I was always taught if nowt good to say then don't say owt thumbsup.gif

    Maybe Terry would be better off at times worrying about himself and not what others get up to in their own free time.

    Bit pointless having a forum, let's all say how fabulous everything is, even though it's shite..........

  6. hello phil..........another thought just came to me...........why does matt never attend any other upfront venues?.......just a thought mind...........as we are talking of upfront venues possibly having low attendances thumbsup.gif

    Hello Terry, I'm sorry I just looked on here to see how my good friend Karl had done on Saturday..........it's a pity there aren't more people like yourself who have the bollocks to write how you truely feel about promotions...........sadly it'll never happen..........hope you and the amigos and your ladies are all well............I need to get off here it does my head in..............:thumbsup:

  7. Decided a few months back i just wasn't going to worry about this sort of thing anymore and just get on with promoting a good night and the last Move On was a stunning night of soul :thumbsup:

    If people want to exclusively go to oldies nights, fine, free country and all that, but i wish people who make silly assumptions about rarely played nights would actually try them out once in a while. At Move On we play uptempo dance music all night (ask Trevor Wright, he wouldn't go anywhere that he couldn't have a good dance) and we play 60s, 70s, 80s, even new releases.

    We're not a clique, we are a soul club where anyone is welcome, it just happens that most people know each other because many are collectors and dealers, and as for talking to the DJs we have people up at the decks every five minutes to ask about sounds and it's a pleasure for all the DJs to chat and share new finds etc... even criticism.

    It just makes me smile and shake my head when people say that rare nights are all 60s newies and not for dancers. That's just complete rubbish borne of ignorance i'm afraid.

    My advice is try it, and if you don't like it don't come back. :lol:

    Why do you feel the need to blatantly plug your promotion every time you post?????????? FFS.............

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