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Northern Soul Connections #36 - Latest Connection from Kenb

Northern Soul Connections #36 - Latest Connection from Kenb magazine cover

We are now hitting issue #36 of this very long running informative 'Northern Connections' series from ken Brown aka  @Kenb


Northern Connections # 36 Deception

Today (2023) it would hardly be considered the crime of the century to operate a 'near victimless mail scam' or cause a deception for the benefit of a few 45 records. However, not so in Virginia 1972. Back then, defrauding a record club and stereo tape club carried a U.S. District Court  indictment. Some still may say that's justice, a crimes - a crime. In the event, a man was convicted of 12 counts of fraud pertaining to the 12 addresses. The convicted man had an obvious twinkle in his eye when it came to the execution of the fraud he enacted upon the Capitol Record Club of Thousand Oaks, California, and Columbia Stereo Tape Cartridge Service, Indiana. Although the addresses used were real, the man used fictitious names to apply for club memberships and later club membership numbers issued were used in obtaining free bonus records for sponsorship of other bogus applicants. A few of those fictitious names included Mary Willson, Jackie Wilson and James Carr (nod to artists, maybe?).


As always you can check out all Kens other quality 35 Northern Connections and more via his 'activity' profile page, via the link below...



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