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Rufus Wonder article in Oakland Tribune

Oakland Tribune has a feature on Rufus Wonder called

Soul legend Rufus Wonder makes music once again By Angela Hill


A quick clip from the article

Soul legend Rufus Wonder makes music once again

Oakland Tribune
Oakland Tribune
March 15, 2004 | Angela Hill, STAFF WRITER | Copyright

OAKLAND -- Rufus Wonder says going blind made him get focused again.

Of course he'd rather have his sight back, in a heartbeat. "But I'm blind. That's it," he said, seated next to two keyboards and several towering speakers in his small downtown Oakland apartment. "Now it's time to do other things. And this got me into focusing on my music again.

"It's kind of a comeback for me," Wonder said of his new CD, which will be out in a few weeks. "But I never really got out of the music thing. I just kind of laid dead for a while."

Wonder, who says he chose his pseudo surname from a sign for a ski equipment store long before he ever heard of Stevie Wonder -- and went blind long after -- is considered a "rare soul legend" by those in the soul music know. …

Oakland Tribune Article

updated Oct 2015

 the full article now appears to be under a subscription type 

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more detailed feature on Rufus w can be read here


and his own bio page



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