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Soul Supermarket Website Updated. 10th March


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Just to let you know I've just added another new batch of 45s to the website: www.soulsupermarket.co.uk

Been a while since I last updated the site, been too busy enjoying myself :lol:

Over 40 new 45s have been added today, each and every one a gem! I'm now back on track and will be adding around 100 new 45s every 10 days or so if you want to be get first notice of when new 45s are added then get yourself on the mailing list.

As always every record has a label scan and sound clip (direct from the record for sale). Every 45 you can see on the site is available to buy and I accept payment by cheque (UK), paypal or debit/credit card. Money back guarantee on everything I sell. Just drop me an email: info@soulsupermarket.co.uk or a PM if you want to ask about anything or join my mailing list.

Here's a very quick preview of what's new, remember this is just a quick snap shot. There are now nearly 1000 records on the site all with scans and clips so you can have a look and listen before deciding to buy:

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Just a quick note to say that I'll be at the Oldham nighter on Saturday, so can hand deliver any orders to anyone else who will be there :thumbsup: Plus I'll have a big sales box with lots of other nice things in as well!


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Adam..... are you sure you priced up The Adorables correctly????? :shades::lol::wub:

Hiya JB,

Did you want to pay a bit extra for it then :thumbup::thumbup:

Go on, treat yourself....I take credit cards :thumbup:


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Hiya Adam,

Want to pay more i should think not :thumbup::shades::lol:

And don,t talk about...... credit cards :thumbup::thumbup:

Oh well just gonna have to hope i strike it lucky aye!! :wub:

JB xxxKTFxxx

Hiya JB,

As the saying goes...She who hesitates....the Adorables has found a new home. :wub: for me, :D for you.

Still looking for that other 45 you wanted, sure I've got a spare of it somewhere.


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Hiya JB,

As the saying goes...She who hesitates....the Adorables has found a new home. :shades: for me, :thumbup: for you.

Still looking for that other 45 you wanted, sure I've got a spare of it somewhere.


Hiya Adam,

:thumbup: Hope you find that spare 45 :thumbup:

JB xxxKTFxxx

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