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Martin Edwards @ Creepers 07-06- 2019

Mini Man

Nottingham Northern Soul & Motown Creepers Basford Hall Miners Welfare 55 Goldcrest rd, Basford Nottingham. NG6 8PT Our 6th Event back at Creepers which was a Soul Venue late 60's -70's Capacity 240 ..Large sprung wooden dance floor...Loads off st parking..good sized bar...Close to tram stop Bagnall rd...Pedestrian entry via Nuthall rd... Air Conditioned room..air cooled dance floor....No talc on floor please floor does not need it, 7-30pm - Midnight, Guest DJ Martin Edwards Soul Valley, Resident DJ's Ryan C ….David Dee...Rob Smith... £5-00 otd, 14th of June was birthdate of Junior Walker so we will dedicate this night to him each DJ will play a brace ….and I saw him live ….

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Soul Flyers

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