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Dave Thorley

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Article Comments posted by Dave Thorley

  1. On 22/02/2016 at 22:54, Benji said:

    Very interesting read, thanks!

    'Whip your loving on me' came out on german Vogue as well. I once had a date stamped demo Nov 21, 1970. Don't know how accurate that is. Nice pic sleeve. I attach a scan I nicked off Discogs. Can supply better quality scan from my collection if you want?

    I think 'Please operator' also came out in Germany but am not sure.


    That's nice Benji, a hi res scan would be nice when you get a chance. Also if you ever see 'Please operator' Germany release, think of me

  2. Final word from SuSu & Malayka who run the event...........................


    ...can we just say thank you for 10 years of support, friendship and the celebration of black music. it has been a great journey for us, we never thought that we can share our passion in this way.
    thank you. from the bottom of our hearts. that's all we can say.
    ...and make a note of this date:
    29./30/1. April/May 2016 
    we do it all over again, shall we wink emoticon
    Susu & Malayka

  3. Like so many others I loved my trips down to see John. Would go down with Ady Pountain, spend the day going through his filed records on the shelf pulling out great things. He used to have a couple of areas I loved looking through, in a back corner of the main barn was a Detroit section, so many cool tunes pulled out of there. Also at one end of one of the main shelving runs was an section for test pressings with little of no info on, some great surprises found in there.


    Towards the end of the day you'd go to cash up and that would be when he'd pull out his special things for your consideration by which time you'd be totally spent up. Then when you thought all was done he'd pull out a couple of extra special things, like The Ringleaders acetates and the like. You'd look at him in a certain amount of pain, 'John their fantastic, but I've no more money'. He'd smile, knowing you were hooked and say 'That's OK take them and pay me over a few weeks and I'll put you in the book'. At Stafford he was a bit of a 'Fifth Beatle' , constantly finding new things for DJ's to play.

    John's contribution to soul music in general has been immense, whilst traveling the States to this day, so many artists and record business guys still speak warmly of him, with comments, like ......................

    'He came along and help get me out of a hole'

    'John would always treat us fairly, unlike many others that came by'

    'That guy gave my career a real boost when no one else was interested'


    Much later on in life when I decided to sell records full time, he gave me some great advise that I use to this day as a mantra, always happy to help others along the way, when he could. We speak weekly even now, always got great stories to tell and wealth of knowledge which he is happy to share.


    Can't speak highly enough of The Man

  4. I was in a bar last night here in China, and this chinese guy walks in with a 'Billy' t-shirt on . . . that boys gonna be big !!



    Ay Up Me Dear, how are you, hope all is well in China. Billy already is a star, as you well know. Hopefully see you back over here some time

  5. ive been twice in the last 6 months...still ticks all the boxes for me dave

    Yep Dave, still had a buzz about it, which when you consider how long it's been running is cool. Also was pleased to see that the age range was pretty well spread, and not just a sea of grey hair and shaved heads. Also Ady is a great host, still making the effort to get round as many people as possible, listening to views constantly, talking about the music he loves etc.


    Think one of it's abiding strengths is that it's a city center venue and so it's still connected to what happens elsewhere, OK the door staff need to work a bit harder with the odd person that wanders in randomly, but it does seem to still attract new people who come along with a genuine interest in seeing whats happening.


    Instead of some of the negative comments about The 100 Club, I think Ady does and has a lot that others can still learn from and the event does deserve the moniker 'Legendary'.

  6. One of the reasons I enjoy this weekender is that it's along the lines of many in Europe, based in a city centre at several clubs. This gives you the opportunity to see the city as well as enjoy the entertainment, unlike a holiday camp. Also it brings many dj from around Europe, which is a real bonus. Europe has many great DJ's that sadly we rarely get the chance to see, unless you travel over the water. These are a few of the reasons I've been a supporter from the get go. Hope a few of you will get along.

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