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Everything posted by Shinehead

  1. Nice Video , thought her dancing is ok the kicks seem a bit more old style centre half than the athletic type seen back in the day . But the video is a nice montage of old and new and enjoyable and does the song justice.
  2. Watched the show thought the young couple came across well , I was more intrigued though by Paul Heaton of The Housemartins and his odd collection of everything from Shoe horns, crisp packets and football scarfs and that's the most normal things !
  3. Great selection , and as you stated this topic is about great LP's what you can play from start to finish with no fillers. A few recommendations I will try to pick up
  4. I'm a loser Doris Duke Caught up Millie Jackson Still caught up Millie Jackson Bobby Womack Home is where the heart is Sexy Soul Roy C Dramatic experience The Dramatics Super Taylor Johnnie Taylor Gag a maggot Swamp Dogg Searchin for the dolphins Al Wilson Wounded Woman Sandra Wright Intimate Storm Shirley Brown All by myself Regina Bell Finer things in life Chuck Stanley 3 + 3 Isley Brothers The Poet Bobby Womack Strong Persuader Robert Cray Rough out here Modulations Love wars Womack and Womack I'm gonna miss you Artistics Jealous kinda fella Garland Green
  5. I saw most soul acts at the city hall during the 80s but I definitely did not go to that one obviously with Teddy long departed and Sheila Ferguson gone I must have thought not worth the bother.
  6. This album seems to have been recorded live during the same tour . https://www.discogs.com/release/16196330-Various-The-Sound-Of-Philadelphia-Live-In-London
  7. I definitely do not consider myself a record collector but have amassed loads in my love of soul music , I have collected things in the past and the one thing I had a passion for collecting in the real sense was footballers autographs even going to the point of just turning up at grounds just to get them after the game had finished. And also risking the wrath of my mother when turning up at home on the last bus after a midweek game. Thankfully grew out of that when I was about 15 when I started work and my passion for soul music started.
  8. Great drama best side won though if Mbappe had not turned up for the final 15 minutes or so it would have been a bit of a damp squib for the French. Argentina harried and never gave them a minute until then , great to see Messi get what his talent deserved.
  9. Never been a collector of records just amassed records by buying them over the years still got a large amount but now just buy CDs as I've got older I can not be bothered by the fuss of records also use Spotify. I am a lover of Soul Music not the medium.
  10. Hoping for a Argentina win mainly for Messi to win the greatest accomplishment in football , I am sure he would swap all his individual awards to hold aloft the trophy. The goal he set up for Alvarez against Croatia deserves a medal for that skill alone.
  11. Enjoyed the game last night Croatia were poor but Argentina seem to get better each game , Messi has been sensational in the last few games so too has Alvarez who will give Guardiola a nice selection headache when he gets back to Manchester. I would like to see Messi get his hands on the trophy and to see Ronaldos face if he does.
  12. Sad loss, saw him a couple of times thankfully. R.I.P J.J. My favourite of his but so many more to choose from of a very high standard.
  13. There to win for any from Brazil , Portugal , England and Holland , Argentina and France in my opinion but a shock still possible. We have a good chance just hope Southgate does not try Walker as a third centre back to try to nullify Mbappe and play wing backs , he has tried it before .
  14. I might be missing the point but if us soul lovers were waiting for UK releases we would have no collections of note. UK issues were secondary to most people.
  15. Early days yet only Brazil , France and Spain have really shown anything but nothing to scare England only our manager with his decision making , Kane should have been subbed and why Foden was not given a run against the USA only he knows.
  16. To say you are not a fan you have about summed up most of the games so far
  17. Good to see the directive from FIFA regarding holding at corners , long overdue and hopefully implemented in the national leagues , just need the referees to be consistent with it a bit iffy so far a couple given and one blatant one missed. Wales definitely need a win on Friday , Iran seem poor so that is doable .
  18. Could be the whole album but this still gets me after all the years
  19. Both labels produced some great music but both produced some rubbish too. Agree though Stax produced more grittier stuff but fortunately for me I love all styles of Soul so both labels have music I still go back to for pleasure.
  20. Never thought they would make a comeback Binned every one I owned years ago , no regrets either back in the day they were great but today I prefer the ease of CDs now to convert back to even buying vinyl again so cassettes are definitely a no no , still got a player and a turntable though and the records collected over the years .

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