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What Is Wrong With You Promoters ?

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Guest kev such

it'll be the first time somali pirates ask for a record collection instead of money then?

Wouldnt have much to bargain with if that was the case. Probably go down in the media as the lowest ransom paid if they accepted my collection. :D

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it'll be the first time somali pirates ask for a record collection instead of money then?

Wouldnt have much to bargain with if that was the case. Probably go down in the media as the lowest ransom paid if they accepted my collection. :D

you can feed 500 for a week with a fiver in somalia :D


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so ""most of the events" is a sweeping generalisation is it Win, i would say that the comment you have highlighted is MY OPINION and how i wrote it is how i see it, Most of the events on this weekend for me are not worth going out for even if i wasnt skint, whats wrong with that will you please explain as i see my opinion on my experience my personal view, you dont agree with that so thats your choice but dont please tell me what i am thinking or that it comes accross in a way it aint, also why the fook do you always have to pick on peoples posts on what they see their own personal views, your first post on this thrread was nothing except picking my post apart, do you never have an opinion on a thread or do you just glorify in pulling peoples opinions apart cos after all you pulling my posts are apart have done this thread no favours what so ever, do me a favour and go pick on someone else cos its your kind of nitpicking that also pisses people off from posting on soul source, no ones perfect and maybe i aint the most intellectual person on here so you go carry on cos i could never compete your with intellectual superiority,

yours sincerely Bearsy (the non perfect poster who cant have his own opinion without someone ripping it apart cos i may not be word perfect) :hatsoff2:

You'll have to tell me where I said you can't have an opinion, cos I must have missed it, you said 'most of the events are sub standard', you can only come to that conclusion/opinion if you've been to the event a number of times surely. Your next post qualified your initial post with, 'They're events I've attended and I know the DJs' that's a completely different statement. I'm not telling you what you're thinking, I said how the post read to me, this is a discussion forum, you put a point up, I was discussing it, what's wrong with that? I'm not sure what you mean by saying 'never having an opinion', pretty sure I said there are too many nights, said it many times before, but agreed with Mike Cook's point, 'nothing gets resolved', because nothing does. We can discuss it all we like, are any promoters going to say, ''they have a point on Soul source, let's cancel that night''? Not sure who doesn't post because of me, sounds a bit far fetched but I'll bow to your superior knowledge of the SS membership.

Not sure what all the 'intellectual' bollox is about, can't recall questioning your intellect, again perhaps you'll show me where I have, I'll be happy to apologise if that's the case.

If you're really worried about this thread, then perhaps we should move this to PM?

Edited by Winnie :-)
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Guest Bearsy

You'll have to tell me where I said you can't have an opinion, cos I must have missed it, you said 'most of the events are sub standard', you can only come to that conclusion/opinion if you've been to the event a number of times surely. Your next post qualified your initial post with, 'They're events I've attended and I know the DJs' that's a completely different statement. I'm not telling you what you're thinking, I said how the post read to me, this is a discussion forum, you put a point up, I was discussing it, what's wrong with that? I'm not sure what you mean by saying 'never having an opinion', pretty sure I said there are too many nights, said it many times before, but agreed with Mike Cook's point, 'nothing gets resolved', because nothing does. We can discuss it all we like, are any promoters going to say, ''they have a point on Soul source, let's cancel that night''? Not sure who doesn't post because of me, sounds a bit far fetched but I'll bow to your superior knowledge of the SS membership.

Not sure what all the 'intellectual' bollox is about, can't recall questioning your intellect, again perhaps you'll show me where I have, I'll be happy to apologise if that's the case.

If you're really worried about this thread, then perhaps we should move this to PM?

what the fook are you on Win, i nearly started reading this then realised that more than half the posts i ever read of yours are fooking arguments and now it looks like my turn, look, i dont really give a flying fook what you think how you read it and what your fooking opinions are so fook off and pick on someone else and me leave alone, do you get that !!!!!!

pm me if you want you will get no change from me, get over it and get over yourself :shades:

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what the fook are you on Win, i nearly started reading this then realised that more than half the posts i ever read of yours are fooking arguments and now it looks like my turn, look, i dont really give a flying fook what you think how you read it and what your fooking opinions are so fook off and pick on someone else and me leave alone, do you get that !!!!!!

pm me if you want you will get no change from me, get over it and get over yourself :shades:

Yeah it's me that needs to get over myself :) I'll continue to comment on whatever posts/topics take my fancy

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Promoters are the problem not punters. Just looked local to me and there are 21 promotions this weekend.

Saturday, there is Wakefield, Knottingly and Leeds, all within close proximity to each other, especially Wakefield and Knottingly which are just 20 minutes apart. Surely it would be better too have one packed promotion than three with smaller poorer attendances. Not saying who is in the right or wrong...all three might be packed but from what I have heard that is far from the case at times. There are more than one event in places like Sheffield and Barnsley with two or more within 30 minutes drive of each other. I dare say this is repeated all over the country?

Surely at some point common sense has to take over?

Maybe it is time promoters got together, put on a bigger event locally, catering for everyone, oldies with other stuff intelligently mixed with some imagination? Attendees have also got to do their part and accept they won't like every record, accept others will like what they won't and show a bit of patience and understanding.

This would all make for a healthier and stronger scene, not just locally but nationally too.

Agree 100%. We should all get together to plan things but it probably won't ever happen...sensible promoters look and see what else is happening before fixing on a date. The problem is there are so many soul nites as well as allniters that have to be factored in it starts to become near on impossible. Where I live I am amazed how many local soul nites clash with each other. Bearing in mind that there's only a few promoters doing soul nites it never ceases to amaze me that even local people can't sort it out.

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It could be that they actually enjoy themselves, how many of the alleged sycophants venture onto threads like this, how often do those complaining about the top 500 go onto a lookback thread to give a view? If you haven't been to the event difficult to hold a position, so can't really comment directly on the thread, better it seems, to come onto/start a seperate thread and call them 'handbag' or 'sub standard and boring', not exactly building bridges or attempting to unite the scene. Yourself and Andy have both made positive comments recently regarding having oldies lovers at your events, that's the way forward surely?

I don't disagree with you Win, there are many who do enjoy themselves. However you quoting me has taken my quote completely out of context, I was replying specifically to the question that there seems to be a lot of complaints/moaning about "top 500" yet why no complaints in lookbacks. You should have quoted the original question not me.

The way forward is for promoters to look at the bigger picture not just selfish reasons and for more tolerance from both oldies lovers and the more "upfront" lovers of soul music or more to the point Northern Soul. One can't do without the other, the good newer discoveries still filter down eventually but I guess the oldies scene doesn't need the "newies" scene as much as the "newies" scene needs the oldies crowd, certainly on the all-nighter front.

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I do wonder sometimes when some of you were young and in your lets say third year of soulin , did you ever grumble or complain about the "scene" :rofl:

I am of the mind that if so many are surviving each and everyone of these events must be hitting the spot for someone , so that could be a good thing ?

Also seems to me that some of you do have your Eutopia in the events that you promote or dj at , yet you still get very worried about everyone else ?

why why why ? no one else seems to care so why do you ?

This place resembles the grumpy men in the balcony on the muppet show at times ...just my opinion

When I was 18 soul nights and all-nighters catered for what I wanted. All the DJ's were allowed to use imagination, all sought the next new big record. You went to a nighter but you went to a local soul night before hand. Sure there was still the politics, they've always been there regardless what people think. It still does cater for what I want but on a lot smaller scale, most all-nighters don't have anything new and there is a ridiculous amount of promoters and promotions clashing. As I said in an earlier post 21 venues all local to me, some towns/cities with several events in one weekend some just a few miles apart on the same night. Today time, family, work, money, all have an influence in what we do at the weekend and we want to utilise all of those the best way we can yet all the clashing is having an adverse affect on our nights out. Sure there are venues that cater for everyone but they could be and should be so much better, especially locally.

Grumbling and moaning has always been there too, the same argument we have now have always been there too, oldies vs. newies etc. Back in the day you didn't have an outlet at your finger tips to express your feelings and opinions like you have now with soul source. You had to send a letter to one of the few magazines running and by the time it was printed the argument was probably irrelevant by then......that is why you seem to get more grumbling and moaning but in reality nothing has changed just the method.

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our night go go children in bristol has been on the first saturday of the month for nearly 4 years...what if promoters with other nights local to them got together and had a specific weekend for them so they all knew where they stood...

bridgewater soul nights have been running for 10 years and pete lyster has just cancelled one of his only 3 nights next year because he realised that the 7th of april is actually the first saturday and not the second and so clashes with go go children...top bloke!....especially as if we clashed it would effect us more than them...there would be more go go children regulars go to bridgewater and miss a month than the other way around



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Agree 100%. We should all get together to plan things but it probably won't ever happen...sensible promoters look and see what else is happening before fixing on a date. The problem is there are so many soul nites as well as allniters that have to be factored in it starts to become near on impossible. Where I live I am amazed how many local soul nites clash with each other. Bearing in mind that there's only a few promoters doing soul nites it never ceases to amaze me that even local people can't sort it out.

Forgive me if I misunderstand-this implies that there are promoters putting on Multiple nights per month.

Surely Not :ohmy:


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Guest gordon russell

When I was 18 soul nights and all-nighters catered for what I wanted. All the DJ's were allowed to use imagination, all sought the next new big record. You went to a nighter but you went to a local soul night before hand. Sure there was still the politics, they've always been there regardless what people think. It still does cater for what I want but on a lot smaller scale, most all-nighters don't have anything new and there is a ridiculous amount of promoters and promotions clashing. As I said in an earlier post 21 venues all local to me, some towns/cities with several events in one weekend some just a few miles apart on the same night. Today time, family, work, money, all have an influence in what we do at the weekend and we want to utilise all of those the best way we can yet all the clashing is having an adverse affect on our nights out. Sure there are venues that cater for everyone but they could be and should be so much better, especially locally.

Grumbling and moaning has always been there too, the same argument we have now have always been there too, oldies vs. newies etc. Back in the day you didn't have an outlet at your finger tips to express your feelings and opinions like you have now with soul source. You had to send a letter to one of the few magazines running and by the time it was printed the argument was probably irrelevant by then......that is why you seem to get more grumbling and moaning but in reality nothing has changed just the method.

Hello chalkey......whilst to a point I agree with your observations about family,money, kids ect ect playing a part .....you cite these reasons quite often as to why folk don,t attend this venue or that........but it has absolutely no baring on kings hall and other oldies nights......the above factors are there,but this place gets rammed despite it being a very poor product.....as do a lot of other oldies type nights.........i,m just saying that i,m not sure they are a factor at all tezza

Edited by gordon russell
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Guest gordon russell

When I was 18 soul nights and all-nighters catered for what I wanted. All the DJ's were allowed to use imagination, all sought the next new big record. You went to a nighter but you went to a local soul night before hand. Sure there was still the politics, they've always been there regardless what people think. It still does cater for what I want but on a lot smaller scale, most all-nighters don't have anything new and there is a ridiculous amount of promoters and promotions clashing. As I said in an earlier post 21 venues all local to me, some towns/cities with several events in one weekend some just a few miles apart on the same night. Today time, family, work, money, all have an influence in what we do at the weekend and we want to utilise all of those the best way we can yet all the clashing is having an adverse affect on our nights out. Sure there are venues that cater for everyone but they could be and should be so much better, especially locally.

Grumbling and moaning has always been there too, the same argument we have now have always been there too, oldies vs. newies etc. Back in the day you didn't have an outlet at your finger tips to express your feelings and opinions like you have now with soul source. You had to send a letter to one of the few magazines running and by the time it was printed the argument was probably irrelevant by then......that is why you seem to get more grumbling and moaning but in reality nothing has changed just the method.

Hello chalkey......whilst to a point I agree with your observations about family,money, kids ect ect playing a part .....you cite these reasons quite often as to why folk don,t attend this venue or that........but it has absolutely no baring on kings hall and other oldies......the above factors are there,but this place gets rammed despite it being a very poor product.....as do a lot of other oldies type nights.........i,m just saying that i,m not sure they are a factor at all tezza

Agree 100%. We should all get together to plan things but it probably won't ever happen...sensible promoters look and see what else is happening before fixing on a date. The problem is there are so many soul nites as well as allniters that have to be factored in it starts to become near on impossible. Where I live I am amazed how many local soul nites clash with each other. Bearing in mind that there's only a few promoters doing soul nites it never ceases to amaze me that even local people can't sort it out.

hello sally, promoters will never get together because most of em only attend their venue and have no interest in getting out and about.......unlike you and rod who do get out and about see ya at burnley :thumbsup::) :)

Edited by gordon russell
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Hello chalkey......whilst to a point I agree with your observations about family,money, kids ect ect playing a part .....you cite these reasons quite often as to why folk don,t attend this venue or that........but it has absolutely no baring on kings hall and other oldies nights......the above factors are there,but this place gets rammed despite it being a very poor product.....as do a lot of other oldies type nights.........i,m just saying that i,m not sure they are a factor at all tezza

And, you also are right, to a point.

The "Brand Leading" events-Allnighters-Weekenders- whatever will always be well attended as trophy events, another badge to stitch on your bag, but as time and MONEY is limited the knock on effect will be felt, as people will have to sacrifice either the week end before and or the one after the big do to pay for the same.



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Hello chalkey......whilst to a point I agree with your observations about family,money, kids ect ect playing a part .....you cite these reasons quite often as to why folk don,t attend this venue or that........but it has absolutely no baring on kings hall and other oldies nights......the above factors are there,but this place gets rammed despite it being a very poor product.....as do a lot of other oldies type nights.........i,m just saying that i,m not sure they are a factor at all tezza

Depends what you want from your product I guess, if you want something that directly mirrors your youth both musically and atmospherically, I'd say the attendances say it's a very good product?

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Peggy, don't think Kings Hall is monthly and many who attend there plan for it and don't even attend other allnighters.

It would be interesting to see how well attended it was if it was monthly, I think you're right a lot of the people who go plan for their 3 nighters a year, if faced with a further 9 would they go to all of them? I suspect not but if they did, then the music policy would have to freshen in the main room........

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Guest Bearsy

Forgive me if I misunderstand-this implies that there are promoters putting on Multiple nights per month.

Surely Not :ohmy:


yep there is in the South and thats why i dont bother with most of them, same djs playing the same tunes and always something on within half hours drive from Southampton and only no more than 200 soulies at maximum to go around and remember they dont all go out every week either

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Out of interest with regards to Soul Nights, as opposed to an Allnighter, what would be considered a reasonable distance between promotions on the same night........an hours drive maybe ?.

Sallie n Bearsy (& other South Coast punters) would you attend a Soul Night Venue in the South Coast area ish with a music policy that covered oldies & newies with some Crossover & Modern thrown into the mix, or at least be prepared to give it a try ?. Just interested :g:.

Best Russ

Edited by Russ Vickers
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Guest Bearsy

Out of interest with regards to Soul Nights, as opposed to an Allnighter, what would be considered a reasonable distance between promotions on the same night........an hours drive maybe ?.

Best Russ

I would think that also would depend on the area too Russ, as you know in the South if there was 2 events on in the same night within an hours drive of each other both venue would be affected as there is nowhere near as many soulies down here as oop norf, hope your well matey :hatsoff2:

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I would think that also would depend on the area too Russ, as you know in the South if there was 2 events on in the same night within an hours drive of each other both venue would be affected as there is nowhere near as many soulies down here as oop norf, hope your well matey :hatsoff2:

I'm good mate, be home in 2 weeks, so hope to see ya....thx for the reply.

Best Russ

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And, you also are right, to a point.

The "Brand Leading" events-Allnighters-Weekenders- whatever will always be well attended as trophy events, another badge to stitch on your bag, but as time and MONEY is limited the knock on effect will be felt, as people will have to sacrifice either the week end before and or the one after the big do to pay for the same.



I'm doing that already

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Guest Bearsy

our night go go children in bristol has been on the first saturday of the month for nearly 4 years...what if promoters with other nights local to them got together and had a specific weekend for them so they all knew where they stood...

bridgewater soul nights have been running for 10 years and pete lyster has just cancelled one of his only 3 nights next year because he realised that the 7th of april is actually the first saturday and not the second and so clashes with go go children...top bloke!....especially as if we clashed it would effect us more than them...there would be more go go children regulars go to bridgewater and miss a month than the other way around



Hi Dean hope your well matey, great to hear that it can work and it does work with a few promoters in the South but there are a few that dont care about any event in or around them wehter they clash or not, they just say that they are offereing something different and everyone has the choice, which is true we all have the choice but them promoters also have the choice to put their event on a different night so not to clash but then the who was first argument, i think that is the real problem and not just the fact that so many are on in one weekend its the fact many clash and just dont give a hoot when theya re all competint for the same crowd basically.

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exactly my thoughts Russ, dj's I know that dj at what I call "mainstream" events, are TOLD by the promoters that one in four records MUST include a known and worn out oldie!, why ffs!, promters dont give punters enough credit for what they are prepared to listen to, pisses me off and i wouldnt personally dj for a promoter who told me i had to play certain records!, a dj friend of my a few months ago was dj'ing and playing a nice set that was being enjoyed by myself and a dozen other soulies who i know, and going by the dance floor and general good vibe of his set, when suddenly he took off his next choice of record and quickly stuck on a so called "floor packer" as not to alienate the promoter!!,...how about promoters growing some balls and telling dj's that their sets must NOT include no more than two "bankers", "fillers" and lets see where the real dj'ing talent lies!?

There always some Dj only to ready to play to the lowest common denominator, and his mates/ missus only too ready to tell him he was brilliant for playing the 'champion' or 'lets go somewhere'. These guys think its some kinda revelation to play the records we all own but avoid playing everytime through want of something a little more wholesome, I love a fritter from the chippy but I dont want it every night.

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Guest Bearsy

true story, was talking to a dj beginning of the year and we was having our usual bitching chat about putting the soul scene to rights and how the amount of events now is having its affect on numbers and atmosphere at venues locally, well low and behold a new night started up a few weeks later and guess what,, said dj was all booked up for doing a spot there :huh:

sometimes its ea\sy to blame promoters but half the time the desperate dj can be to blame too imho :yes:

bi-monthly is the only way imho for any venue to sustain a healthy vibrant and excitingness to itself over a long period of time, djs to dj less often wouldnt be a bad thing it might give them a chance to freshen up their sets a tad before they become to predictable and boring, i would rather have the excitement of waiting ages for a brillinat night cos its not on so often than it becoming farmiliar and stale, thats my thoughts anyway, :hatsoff2:

toooo many events not enough soulies some events will suffer but hey some wont so choose wisely and enjoy whatever you do, me im staying in again :(

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Still can't get my head around what is so wrong with someone putting a do on locally? These do's attract people you don't generally see anywhere else so what harm are they doing ?

Its Saturday night and I want to have a proper drink , be nice to hear some soul , anything other than watching the TV would be good... thankfully a taxi ride away someone has invited like minded people to play/share some sounds..... Its a no brainer really ? a bit like going to a local pub for a beer.

why is that so wrong ?

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hi bearsy i'm well ,always got a mars bar with me on a nite out! :thumbsup: ....regarding the promoters,yeah i agree there are some who dont think about or care about other nights,ive witnessed it here in the sw too but wasnt involved so not my place to say whos right or wrong....this was one of the reasons i was pleasently surprised at pete,dont get me wrong ive always known pete was a nice bloke and he got in touch with me about his dates in 2012 which was already more than anybody else but to cancel one of only a few nights out of friendship and respect is first cllass...if we had clashed he wouldn't have had to worry about losing people it would have been us who did but i'd told him if he couldnt change the date i'd live with it as he only has a few every year and we are monthly...but he still cancelled...hopefully he will still get another night and if he does ive no doubt he will do his best not to clash with the other sw promoters

still think people should try and stick to either first or second saturday etc....might take a while and maybe have to miss a few but it can be done

hope your skintness doesnt last too long!


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Guest Marky Tee

Still can't get my head around what is so wrong with someone putting a do on locally? These do's attract people you don't generally see anywhere else so what harm are they doing ?

Its Saturday night and I want to have a proper drink , be nice to hear some soul , anything other than watching the TV would be good... thankfully a taxi ride away someone has invited like minded people to play/share some sounds..... Its a no brainer really ? a bit like going to a local pub for a beer.

why is that so wrong ?

Nowt wrong at all, it gives people a choice, people who might feel out of place or unwelcome at the creme de la creme soul pigrimages too many on here wax lyrical about. Its open to anyone is the scene....get over (or used) to it.

CHOICE buzzword for today.

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Guest Bearsy

hi bearsy i'm well ,always got a mars bar with me on a nite out! :thumbsup: ....regarding the promoters,yeah i agree there are some who dont think about or care about other nights,ive witnessed it here in the sw too but wasnt involved so not my place to say whos right or wrong....this was one of the reasons i was pleasently surprised at pete,dont get me wrong ive always known pete was a nice bloke and he got in touch with me about his dates in 2012 which was already more than anybody else but to cancel one of only a few nights out of friendship and respect is first cllass...if we had clashed he wouldn't have had to worry about losing people it would have been us who did but i'd told him if he couldnt change the date i'd live with it as he only has a few every year and we are monthly...but he still cancelled...hopefully he will still get another night and if he does ive no doubt he will do his best not to clash with the other sw promoters

still think people should try and stick to either first or second saturday etc....might take a while and maybe have to miss a few but it can be done

hope your skintness doesnt last too long!


hope it a king size Mars :D yeah agree a great gesture Pete has done and it would be ever better if more took a leaf out of his book but cant see that happening though with many, a few more months of skintness at most hopefully and even better things could go my way and not only will i not be skint i could get it all back :thumbup: we keep saying it but we will try to get up to Go Go one night only heard good things about it and its only Bristol and from Southampton cant be that far and been offered a stop of place to by a couple of freinds so maybe in new year you might see us shuffling away on the dance floor :thumbsup:

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Still can't get my head around what is so wrong with someone putting a do on locally? These do's attract people you don't generally see anywhere else so what harm are they doing ?

Its Saturday night and I want to have a proper drink , be nice to hear some soul , anything other than watching the TV would be good... thankfully a taxi ride away someone has invited like minded people to play/share some sounds..... Its a no brainer really ? a bit like going to a local pub for a beer.

why is that so wrong ?

i think again it depends where you are...we play in bristol every month and have different people every month so even if a nite opens near by and we miss a few of our regulars one month which is a shame but there are enough people for us to have a good nite ,our cost are low and we dont care if we dont make money and have never yet lost....a smaller town with less people to go round i think starting another night could stop travellers from going 50 miles up the road if something is already on and have more of an effect both financially and 'friendship' wise

this is also a reason why our monthly nights dont seem to get stale as well as us playing so many genre's and all being collecters instead of dj's and not just chasing big ticket items so we have quality new tunes each month ...i'd love some of those big indemanders but could never save up for months without buying someting new!!


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Nowt wrong at all, it gives people a choice, people who might feel out of place or unwelcome at the creme de la creme soul pigrimages too many on here wax lyrical about. Its open to anyone is the scene....get over (or used) to it.

CHOICE buzzword for today.

Why would they feel out of place ?, I cant understand why folk constantly imply that these places are unwelcoming.......I've never felt unwelcom any where I can think of ever.....


Edited by Russ Vickers
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Why would they feel out of place ?, I cant understand why folk constantly imply that these places are unwelcoming.......I've never felt unwelcom any where I can think of ever..... Russ

The only place I've ever honestly felt unwelcome was at an oldies venue.

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Guest Bearsy

be good to see you....you might not like everything you hear but you would hear something new and get off on the atmosphere.... you wouldnt get bored!!....


will let you know in the lookbacks :lol: well you advertise it as you do and looks right up my street for a different night out so fingers crossed, not only that aint been to Bristol since the 80s when them lot in red chased the mighty Gills all over town :boxing:

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Still can't get my head around what is so wrong with someone putting a do on locally? These do's attract people you don't generally see anywhere else so what harm are they doing ?

Its Saturday night and I want to have a proper drink , be nice to hear some soul , anything other than watching the TV would be good... thankfully a taxi ride away someone has invited like minded people to play/share some sounds..... Its a no brainer really ? a bit like going to a local pub for a beer.

why is that so wrong ?

Has anyone said it is wrong to put on a local soul night? I don't remember reading that bit. The biggest complaint locally would appear to be the number and in some cases the quality (whatever the policy).

I've already said there are two venues just a few miles apart on this weekend and another not too far up the road....does that make sense to you? Sure as hell doesn't to me.

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It would be interesting to see how well attended it was if it was monthly, I think you're right a lot of the people who go plan for their 3 nighters a year, if faced with a further 9 would they go to all of them? I suspect not but if they did, then the music policy would have to freshen in the main room........

I think if Kev Roberts thought a monthly Kings Hall would work he would have done it by now. Two saying s come to m ind, less is better and quality not quantity.

Kings Hall is fantastic as an oldies all-nighter. I wish every all-nighter had the same capacity and atmosphere.

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Has anyone said it is wrong to put on a local soul night? I don't remember reading that bit. The biggest complaint locally would appear to be the number and in some cases the quality (whatever the policy).

I've already said there are two venues just a few miles apart on this weekend and another not too far up the road....does that make sense to you? Sure as hell doesn't to me.


Just looking at the events calender on soul nights for this weekend and if you look in the south yorkshire region of Sheffield,Doncaster,Rotherham and Barnsley there is in the region of eight soul events with less than fifteen miles between them all.

Promotors overkill!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Out of interest with regards to Soul Nights, as opposed to an Allnighter, what would be considered a reasonable distance between promotions on the same night........an hours drive maybe ?.

Sallie n Bearsy (& other South Coast punters) would you attend a Soul Night Venue in the South Coast area ish with a music policy that covered oldies & newies with some Crossover & Modern thrown into the mix, or at least be prepared to give it a try ?. Just interested :g:.

Best Russ

Hi Russ...I go to lots of across the board local soul nites and more unfront funk edged nights all within an hours drive, But for the right music I am prepared to travel distances. Had a great time at Grumpy Soul which was a 4 hour drive, great tunes and people.

Hope to see you when you are home Russ. Are you going to Burnley ????

All the best


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Guest Bearsy

Out of interest with regards to Soul Nights, as opposed to an Allnighter, what would be considered a reasonable distance between promotions on the same night........an hours drive maybe ?.

Sallie n Bearsy (& other South Coast punters) would you attend a Soul Night Venue in the South Coast area ish with a music policy that covered oldies & newies with some Crossover & Modern thrown into the mix, or at least be prepared to give it a try ?. Just interested :g:.

Best Russ

Russ we do attend Soul Nights within and over and hours drive wether they be an Oldies night or a rare night, been slowig down on a lot of soul nights through getting quite bored with whats getting played and as they say a rest is as good as a change :rofl: at the moment im not going out at all cos of money and circustances right now but like ive said already on here even if things were different i dont think i would bother going out, BUT if the night was right and the dj line up was very appealing i would find it very hard to stay at home if there was a top class night within half hour that played a proper mix of everything as i love me oldies (moderation) modern (not just cheesy80s) luuuurvvv me crossover and chuck in a frew forgotten a few rare and a few odd balls and to me that would be a perfect soul night :thumbup: not too sure if many others would attend though :(

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Just looking at the events calender on soul nights for this weekend and if you look in the south yorkshire region of Sheffield,Doncaster,Rotherham and Barnsley there is in the region of eight soul events with less than fifteen miles between them all.

Promotors overkill!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


indeed Roy fooking stupid ............... to say the least

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i think again it depends where you are...we play in bristol every month and have different people every month so even if a nite opens near by and we miss a few of our regulars one month which is a shame but there are enough people for us to have a good nite ,our cost are low and we dont care if we dont make money and have never yet lost....a smaller town with less people to go round i think starting another night could stop travellers from going 50 miles up the road if something is already on and have more of an effect both financially and 'friendship' wise

this is also a reason why our monthly nights dont seem to get stale as well as us playing so many genre's and all being collecters instead of dj's and not just chasing big ticket items so we have quality new tunes each month ...i'd love some of those big indemanders but could never save up for months without buying someting new!!


I tell you when I lived in Colchester it would have been so nice to have somewhere in town that i could get to with little expense and share with like minded souls my passion of this music , so I can understand why there are so many satalite do's now ... in my mind thats a positive , Its like marketing a product you need to be seen everywhere to reach the new people.

I do think some on here make sweeping generalizations that the scene is suffering , how would they know that a certain do failed made those that attended unhappy if they themselves were not present at these do's that coincide with someone else ten miles away ?

You see to some people they don't need a massive crowd they are quite happy to have ten people in a room if overheads are low and they dont make a loss , thats why they survive I guess ?

I have yet to hear someone say to me I am having a shite nite because this room isnt heaving ... I think this sort statement is more likely to come from someone that is promoting and maybe not covered their costs to be honest.

The end isn't nigh ... its thriving and has grown in ten years and thats something to admire , the main benifits are being in a good geographical place.

I live in Manchester within the North West and in my opinion it is still the soul capitol that from its history has spawned some of the best most innovative Dj's today , many of them are not big stars but all the same they have such a great soul tolerance and thirst for a soulful adventure a small gathering with these types of people pleases me .

A massive crowd for me is not a priority ? Its a bit like being with friends or aquaintences , thats the difference between a small and large crowd. I know which one I prefer :)

Edited by Carms
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Each to his/her own....depending on the music policy of that particular club or venue, and the different ways we all feel soul. Birds of a feather flock together. As a recent newcomer to NS there's nought more off-putting than going out to a do and having to listen listening to some so called soul boff telling you what to listen to and where to soul. People make their own decisions where to go, thank god for the choices of different venues, I live in Sheffield plenty of choice there, last nite at a small club, 22 people all dancing all speaking to each other no attitude, mix of Ns and crossover/modern. As for promoters putting on one or two bigger nights...why? Surely you'd be back to the old problem of as in life not everyone likes the same, thinks the same, thought one of the key elements was diversity, I would rather stop at home. The bigger do's will always be there let people decide for themselves, personally I've had better times at places where were only a handfll of people, people who do it for love over money, rose tinted glasses maybe, its the music for me first everthing else secondary

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agree music is more important than numbers at our club we are averaging about 90 in a small club and thats about right for comfort...weve had a few nights it gets down to 50 and we still have a good night...some prefer it ,more room to dance....but any lower and we lose money...its not the reason we do it but none of us can afford to lose.......need every penny for more vinyl!


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