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Dean Parrish - International Man of Mystery?


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Have read in some book or other about the Northern scene that there is NO KNOWN PHOTO of Dean Parrish, my question is: is this a fact? And if so - why? I mean was he afraid of having his picture taken or something? Possibly thought they might steal his 'soul'! Hah!

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I've found the mystery man's mug shot, if you post up your email' I'll email you a scan = a definate bad hair day!! Sorry, I don't know how to post it to site.

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If pass them on via email to


will throw them up

the same goes to anyone else with ought think worthwhile sharing,

if have any probs or just too busy to use the uploading features on site...no worries just email us them

get them in! :)

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Thanks to Hippo a great publicity shot of the man himself!

As always if have anything that you think be of interest to soul fans out there, feel free to either upload direct to site or email to photos@soul-source.net


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Looking at the "before" and "now" got me wondering how many readers out there are "potential" men/woman of mystery

As my photos of meself with full head of hair are in shoe boxes, can't start it straight away, but untill get too them if anyone wants to share what us just how they were the perfect example of soul coolness, send them in and will start it up

with a "soul source" prize for the "best" one

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