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Wednesday - Rca Label

Guest rachel

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Guest in town Mikey

I can literally trace the day my real love affair with the RCA label came to be.

It was at a Stafford niter, and we were let into the upstairs small room as the nightclubbers were still dancing in the main room. When we got in there the decks had broken down, and there was no music.

I had my ghetto blaster ready to tape some of the new sounds, so stuck in a tape with the RCA album with Michael & Raymond, Bobbettes, etc on. I went to the bar and a few guys came over to say thanks for showing a bit of initative, and got talking to them. I was a youngster, I guess around 20/21, and for the first time began to feel really like part of the scene. I'd been going to niters for 3 or 4 years and dayers/nights about 6 or 7, and had lots of mates, but mostly guys I knew outside either through football or through scooters. This was the first time i'd really chatted to people from all over the country, and to be honest the first time I was chatting to much older faces, and didnt feel like I was expected to prove myself.

From that moment on the love affair with RCA began :)

I have the tape (somewhere) of the spot that followed. Gary Rushbrooke playing stuff like the Stran. Top night.

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