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Is This The Phantom Janitor

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I have been listening to a lot of records on the head phones recently and keep hearing odd things such as hoots and shouts at the beginning of records then stranger stuff mid way, is it The Phantom Janitor or this is from them being live recordings or a backing track being played and lyrics recorded over the top.

I have listed a few they are very short so I will play them 5 times, see what you think.

The first is The Group I Don't Like to Lose, in the back ground you can hear a phwarp sound between the beats is it guitar feedback?

The second is Arther Alexander Keep Her Guessing, is this a beer bottle being tinged?



Edited by Prophonics 2026
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I have been listening to a lot of records on the head phones recently and keep hearing odd things such as hoots and shouts at the beginning of records then stranger stuff mid way, is it The Phantom Janitor or this is from them being live recordings or a backing track being played and lyrics recorded over the top.

I have listed a few they are very short so I will play them 5 times, see what you think.

The first is The Group I Don't Like to Lose, in the back ground you can hear a phwarp sound between the beats is it guitar feedback?

The second is Arther Alexander Keep Her Guessing, is this a beer bottle being tinged?

It sounds like a banjo twanging to me!

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