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Ric Tic / Golden World Cd's

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Has anyone on here got any thoughts on the new Ric Tic / Golden World CD's that have been released ? Are they the real deal as I thought Universal /Motown owned these labels ? There's also a Sue compilation which seems to have come soon after the Ace /Kent releases .Has anyone bought them , what's the quality like ? Best ,Eddie

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They are on the Soul World label, there are six albums so far and it seems they are not authorised by Universal, EMI or other parties who control the rights to the masters.

Whoever is responsible has also evaded payment of mechanical royalties to MCPS who I'm told are investigating to establish who is liable.

Paul Mooney

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Didn't someone from the Far East boot the Ric Tic tracks on CD last year? Is this the same source?
The "Far East" thing is thought to be a scam but I don't think anyone has been fooled. I'm told the manufacturer isn't very far away.
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I've seen copies of these. There are 6 CDs and they have all the Ric Tic/GW output on them.

Yet another missed opportunity by Universal?

Well said

We had this discussion on here a while back regarding the Ric-Tic / Golden World stuff.

It was suggested that there were quality issues now we're in the Digital age regarding the Original Master tapes etc not being available.

I for one would just like to see the Ric-Tic / Golden World Catalogue given a decent Official release.

They were Quality Tracks anyway and deserve their place in the CD age.

If the quality is down a little it wouldn't stop me buying.

Edited by 45cellar
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Well said

We had this discussion on here a while back regarding the Ric-Tic / Golden World stuff.

It was suggested that there were quality issues now we're in the Digital age regarding the Original Master tapes etc not being available.

I for one would just like to see the Ric-Tic / Golden World Catalogue given a decent Official release.

They were Quality Tracks anyway and deserve their place in the CD age.

If the quality is down a little it wouldn't stop me buying.

I did mean that it wouldn't stop me buying an Official release,

even if the Quality was down due to lost master tape etc.

Many tracks have appeared throughout the years, spread accross various CD's.

Would Motown have treated the Master Tapes from Golden World & Ric-Tic as their own following the purchase.


Did the some of the Original Master Tapes suffer an unknown fate.

Anyone Know?

Edited by 45cellar
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I would have thought with technology how it is today - Even using poor quality acetates / recorded from disc etc shouldn't detract from releasing material. We all 'clean' tracks when recording to the pc using various tools so why can't/shouldn't the major music companies?

It is, unfortunately, another opportunity taken up by the bootleggers and not the rights owners. this is why bootleggers exist - to satisfy a demand not taken up by rightful owners. I would suspect maybe that a Golden World / Ric Tic project is not very high on Universals agenda when they have more important business to attend to such as the forthcoming mega mergers and of course, priming Britney Spears for the mother (sic) of all comebacks!!!!!



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Trouble is if they are bootlegs nothing will be done or put in place to do anything about it, often the intention is there to bring bootlegers to book but it never seems to happen, we all talk about the wrong doing and suggest or indirectly point fingers at who it might be but still it continues, the fact is that if these are bootlegs? they are now out there in the public domain and will be selling to people, any impact from a legit source has now been lost, often the major companies fail to see or know their market place and moan about it after the fact, I'm not saying bootlegs in this instance is correct but if there is no one in place at the legit companies with the vision or knowledge of what they are sitting on then perhaps it's a little late to after the fact when this happens to do anything about it.

Can you imagine how well a well researched, well put together four CD box set on The Ric - Tic/Golden World Story would have sold, a similar packed perhaps as the Sue - EMI box set from a few years ago, it would have been a top seller no question.

I'm pretty sure the likes of Ady Croasdell/Tony Rounce at Ace/Kent would have looked into Ric-Tic etc. long ago and I bet the response from Universal was a huge licence cost per track which would have blown the idea out of the water so perhaps if this was the case it was left alone.

I also know that Jo Wallace had the vision and idea to do something with Ric - Tic as she asked me to help her with it but these projects take time and are way down the pecking order with these companies and often the ideas/projects like this never happen, I'm sure Jo won't mind me mentioning this now.

This bootleg thing has gone hand in hand with the Northern scene since the very early days, from time to time someone get's the collar felt and is put out of circulation but in the main nothing get's done or changes as the proof in the pudding is it's still going on, again I can't comment that these CD's in question are bootlegs but if they are and you are totally anti bootleg then perhaps the best possible form of action is simply not to buy them?

Regards - Mark Bicknell.

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So there not new then or just out then?

Regards - Mark Bicknell.

No they've been around for ages Mark, first saw them on ebay. They look good though. And if they are unavailable in any official format, I'd buy them I think. Well I haven't, cause I'm not that interested, but what I mean is, if record companies refuse to release stuff, I would buy them elsewhere.

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No they've been around for ages Mark, first saw them on ebay. They look good though. And if they are unavailable in any official format, I'd buy them I think. Well I haven't, cause I'm not that interested, but what I mean is, if record companies refuse to release stuff, I would buy them elsewhere.

Thanks Pete.

Regards - Mark Bicknell.

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No they've been around for ages Mark, first saw them on ebay. They look good though. And if they are unavailable in any official format, I'd buy them I think. Well I haven't, cause I'm not that interested, but what I mean is, if record companies refuse to release stuff, I would buy them elsewhere.

Yes, the interesting point here is that current owners Universal and previous licensees Polydor (now a Universal subsidiary) and BMG have handled Motown's Ric-Tic and Golden World catalogues badly.

I bought EMI's 'Ric-Tic Relics' when I was a kid so I assume it was around 1976. And here we are, thirty years later, still waiting for a second volume or something else from the catalogue.

I'm very much against bootlegging but it has to be said in this case that the owners / licensees have seriously neglected the product, leaving a demand which bootleggers are happy to exploit.

The major companies really need to get their acts together.

Paul Mooney

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They are on the Soul World label, there are six albums so far and it seems they are not authorised by Universal, EMI or other parties who control the rights to the masters.

Whoever is responsible has also evaded payment of mechanical royalties to MCPS who I'm told are investigating to establish who is liable.

Paul Mooney

you can get this one on amazon....


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Interesting thread.

I personally feel cheated. The best instrumental EVER, is denied to us on CD. I'm talking about All Turned On.

It is a masterpiece and should be played every night at every do.

Wasn't it It was released on a Tamla Motown single in 76?

I bought Ric Tic Relics on my 21st birthday in September 75 so they must know how popular this stuff is by now!

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