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new double cookin vocal


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Guest wrote:

Just back from 100 club, the new tune was double cookin. I and most of my mates thought the tune very very average.

Personally though it was very good and so did virtually everyone I spoke to about it. Can'r wait to hear the female version that's lying in wait.


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mike-hu wrote:

Info posted on the moved and improved Soul Talk List

Mike - what's this new Soul Talk list ... are they changing it again ?

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Mike - what's this new Soul Talk list ... are they changing it again ?

nah, background is when moderators moved to the new "forum", after a bit of time seemed there was a fair few who wanted to keep the "email" way going.

So the "email" side carried on, over time ggone its own way with "soul talk list" being the name used for it


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Guest in town Mikey

Everyone I spoke to on Saturday night thought a) the Magicians was superb. Definetly worth playing twice in a row, and b) that was one of the best 100 clubs for many a long year. The buzz of expectation all evening meant that the dance floor was never less than half full. And I remarked to a friend that I had not seen so many people still on the floor at 6.30, when traditionally at most nighters people have either decided to rest for the last part of the evening, or go home (or to work in my case).

Also like to say goodbye to Dave Flynn. I can remember a fresh faced young lad with an already amazing knowledge of soul music in the late seventies at places like Wheelrights and the roundabout in Gloucester. Good luck in Japan Arnie, 'I'll be back'.

Now Dave is a fresh faced old man with.....


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The club was packed Saturday and the atmosphere was electric as everyone awaited Ady's turn on the decks. Another reason to add to the many reasons why i'll never tire of the 100 Club.

The male vocal version of Double Cooking as you probably know by now goes by the title '(Just a little) Faith & Understanding)'.

There's also a female vocal version too...with a different lyric but Ady and Mr Flynn are keeping it close to their chests!

Ady started off his set with 'Six by six', then 'Thumb a ride' before FINALLY feeding the crowd what they wanted ....and the first time Ady has ever played a tune two times in a row.

Ady found it quite amusing that after the second play people were coming up to him and saying ... "oh I preferred the second version." It's funny how your ears play tricks on you.

Obviously on the first hearing everyone was listening intently and by the second time he played it, everyone was more familiar with the lyrics so it sounded different to the ear.

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Wasn't at the 100 club but I heard the Magicians vocal a few weeks ago thru a mate "in the know" as it were and I have to say that it was the most exciting thing I've heard for many years. The hardest part was keeping my gob shut about what I'd heard.

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  • 5 weeks later...

dont know about rare ?

a collector in Newton Aycliffe is meant to have a copy as well,so thats two we know of,how many other anoraks who have never set foot out of a station have one locked away under the bed, makes you wonder or am I not thinking straight ?

visit aycliffe soul club site for further info,also a tasty discussion forum and more importantly go to an aycliffe soul night, very progressive and there is life north of Leeds/Normanton,

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had a quick look Jeff, think in right place, couldn't see any mention of magicans

Have to say heard it out at a large venue over a good sound system and was impressed, unlike other vocals it didn't sound "tacked on" and at times sounded like a different record if know what I mean

While have heard some saying already known, if anyone has been keeping it under bed , then full marks to those who have dished it out , from what heard its come from tapes so may be interesting further details of these

Anyone heard the female version yet


nice site, enjoyable reading:)

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may have closed the section, it was discussed at time of 100 club going to play it, then when known comments added,dave hancock who controls the site may be able to add further info, administrator sometimes tidy up site , daves address on site.

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from what heard its come from tapes so may be interesting further details of these

Anyone heard the female version yet


I was fortunate enough to have a visit from Dave Flynn a few weeks ago (I've been laid up with glandular fever so couldn't make 100 Club or anything else of late) and he was kind enough to both buy me grapes (which he then ate himself) and to play me both versions of the vocal and some rather amazing unreleased Ty Karim tracks. Female version might be better, hard to say, its a corker, must have been a hard call to decide which one to go with. They sound sufficiently different for both tracks to get plays.

The Ty Karim tracks led to digging out the 45s (not the big rareties sadly) and comparing a rehearsal take of I aint Lying (I think, I was a bit delerious by then, very raw) and almost certainly Ty Karim doing Wear Your Natural (now does someone know if Towana was her sister/daughter/niece, I'm sure she's doing the background vocal on the Ty Karim take).

If only I had my living room wired up to record them!


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Guest in town Mikey

Hi Stuart. Hope you are hetting better mate. i miss your emails about Greg's beads ;-)

I think I am right in saying Towanda is Ty Karim's daughter. I may be wrong, but I seem to think she may have even visited the 100 club allnighter a year or 2 ago.

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Guest Stuart T

Hi Stuart. Hope you are hetting better mate. i miss your emails about Greg's beads  ;-)

I think I am right in saying Towanda is Ty Karim's daughter. I may be wrong, but I seem to think she may have even visited the 100 club allnighter a year or 2 ago.

Thanks Mikey. Yes, she was at 100 Club a few years back and I reckon was far too young to have been the Towana on the record.

Greg was not wearing his beads when I saw him last night but had on some very unfortunate cufflinks that looked like they came out of a Christmas cracker.

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