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George Lemon


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Can any one help me my wife just played a track to me off her MP3 phone thing..

George Lemon Fascinating Girl..

I hadn't heard it before any ideas price label etc..


Hi George lemons - Fascinating girl - Gold soul i may be wrong but i would say maybe £1300 up to £1600 would secure one all the best Paul.

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Never understood why anyone would pay more than 10 pence to hear this abomination of a record. They couldn't even tune the violin in properly. Almost as bad as The Carstairs, in fact, quite possibly worse.

I was wondering how many posts there would be before you replied Pete :lol: 4, your slipping :unsure:

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Never understood why anyone would pay more than 10 pence to hear this abomination of a record. They couldn't even tune the violin in properly. Almost as bad as The Carstairs, in fact, quite possibly worse.


Worse than the carstairs! give over pete, yeah its out of tune but its fantastic, the carstairs is a great big steaming pile of cat poo :yes:

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Never understood why anyone would pay more than 10 pence to hear this abomination of a record. They couldn't even tune the violin in properly. Almost as bad as The Carstairs, in fact, quite possibly worse.

Well I hadn't heard it and I didn't know how much it was worth I would be happy to pay more than 10p for it --- I was thinking up to £25 if anyone has one for sale :yes:

Thanks again all

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