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A P'd Off E-bayer


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Having recently sent a record to a buyer , i received a message saying it had arrived broken. I find this bloody annoying as i not only lost out on the record , i wrapped it in 3 pieces of card AND a bubblewrap mailer. Now the t**t wants his money back. Does anyone know if i can claim off the post office and how?

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You can claim up to £30 compo - but you need the item, the packaging and evidence of the items value (the eBay sale page won't be enough).

It's a ballache to do though.

Assuming this was a soul record, think this thread may be better in All about the soul. :thumbsup:

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You can claim up to £30 compo - but you need the item, the packaging and evidence of the items value (the eBay sale page won't be enough).

It's a ballache to do though.

Still lost out @ £30.How do i go about the said deed?


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Still lost out @ £30.How do i go about the said deed?


Just get a form from the PO. They will sometimes accept a photo of the packaging and broken disc. Not that much hassle really. To be fair to the buyer I would want my money back as well if a record I bought arrived broken.

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If the record was worth more than £30 it should have been sent registered at the buyers expense - if they didn't want to pay then they should have took the loss rather than you.

Try your local post office for a lost/damaged letter claim form.

Cheers for that , will see what i can do


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Guest Kevin J

daz -

was insurance purchased? if not, its unlikely you will be reimbursed ... i found out the hard way when 8 records turned up missing and i had to refund all of the buyers AND lost out on the records. if it were me, i would refund the buyer as a courtesy... its really neither of your faults.

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Ironic this, as ive just walked in from work to open a package to find a record in two halves, gutted! but what really pi**ed me off it was in a new cardboard mailer well taped up but no fookin cushioning inside! so just rattlin around in a mailer that could fit half a dozen 45s in! ffs


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Guest SteveSnow

Little known fact - in the UK you can claim up to £30 for a damaged letter/parcel without paying for recorded delivery...

You just need evidence of the damage and proof of posting.[/b]

The recorded delivery charge is for just that - the obtaining of a signature.

The Post Office don't entertain paying out without a Certificate of Posting (they used to take your word for it, but not anymore) - I know it's been mentioned before, but my failure to get a CoP just cost me £20. Thought it was worth stressing the point.

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Having recently sent a record to a buyer , i received a message saying it had arrived broken. I find this bloody annoying as i not only lost out on the record , i wrapped it in 3 pieces of card AND a bubblewrap mailer. Now the t**t wants his money back. Does anyone know if i can claim off the post office and how?

do you know the buyer, is he trustworthy ? might just be trying it on. Prehaps the 45 is fine and he wants his cash as well in effect getting the 45 for free.

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You could always ask him to return it to you so you could refund him....and then if you were dishonest enough, post it off special delivery to someone you know & trust, then make a claim.....wouldn't dream of doing it meself like.... whistling.gif

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I got one from the States this morning in an 8 x 10 lightweight padded bag with no carboard whatsoever, I can't believe it survived, I@ve a good mind to tell the bloke it broke to teach him a lesson :shhh:

Pete, I've had them turn up in just a brown paper envelope....in one piece... ohmy.gif

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The Post Office don't entertain paying out without a Certificate of Posting (they used to take your word for it, but not anymore) - I know it's been mentioned before, but my failure to get a CoP just cost me £20. Thought it was worth stressing the point.

Is this still a pre-printed card they fill in, cus my post office just write the addy on the receipt for proof of postage nowadays so presume this is proof of posting?

Edited by Mace
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Daz, how do you know the buyer is not lying ?

Make sure he sends you a photograph of the allegedly damaged goods before you do anything.

If he can not supply this evidence then the case is closed.

Martin Snow

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I got one from the States this morning in an 8 x 10 lightweight padded bag with no carboard whatsoever, I can't believe it survived, I@ve a good mind to tell the bloke it broke to teach him a lesson :shhh:

Likewise Pete I have had things turned up in ONE piece that have been just wrapped in a padded envelope; really caused me to wonder how they've travelled thousands of miles, through several high volumes mail sorting centres, and still not got damaged. Yet some of tghe best packaged items still get crushed rolleyes.gif

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Guest Fatius Bumius


You can claim up to £32 (price of a 1st class stamp x 10) but Royal Mail won't refund the postage cost.

With EBay Claims these days it's a right ballache getting compensation out of Royal Mail :rolleyes: RM have got their own EBay Claims department now.

Ask the buyer to post back the record and the packaging, the post office ask you to supply the packaging for inspection if claiming for a broken item (oh, then they turn round and say "Soz, can't meet your claim, inadequate packaging was used). You can't add more packaging before sending it off either if you have the computer print out receipt, the weight is on the receipt, so be careful, Royal Mail will check the weight of what you send back to the receipt and postal charges for the weight bracket.

Fill in a claims form available at the post office, or you can download and print one out from Royal Mails website.

Include copy of the invoice/sale and the pay pal payment (if pay pal was used), and your proof of posting, either the card one that's date-stamped or the print out receipt. I always ask for the print out ones when posting anything. You have to ask though before the cashier starts weighing and printing out the sticker for the parcel.

The post office sometimes get in touch with the buyer to confirm all you are "Claiming" is true and they give the buyer 5 days to respond to the letter they send or no compensation is paid out. (This happens now with EBay claims that are for missing items). They ask for EBay IDs, price paid, and a stupid question, Did You Leave Positive Feedback, if yes, Why ? What's that all about ? If your buyers away on holiday when the letter drops through their door, your stuffed, 5 days will be up. No compensation. :angry:

Always wise to keep your buyer sweet. It's best to try and delay a refund until compensation is safely on your own doorstep, unfair on the buyer I know, but I lost a claim of £27 because the buyer was too idle to fill in the form confirming my claim was legit. I refunded the buyer straight away and found myself out of pocket for doing the right thing.

If your buyers thrown away the packaging, and paid with cheque, tell the buyer there is little you can do to provide any evidence for a claim with RM :rolleyes: Expect a negative feedback though lol.

It's freepost to send your claim into Royal Mail, but I have sent them recorded delivery since Royal Mail lost one of my claims! Lose the parcel, then lose the claim, good service :thumbsup: lol.

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Guest Fatius Bumius

Ha, if you didn't put a Fragile Sticker on the mailer, get one stuck on before sending any packaging to Royal Mail :rolleyes:

(not advisable to use Fragile stickers as a rule, all it means to a Postie having a bad hair day is "Please Kick Me About The Floor") :thumbsup:

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Having recently sent a record to a buyer , i received a message saying it had arrived broken. I find this bloody annoying as i not only lost out on the record , i wrapped it in 3 pieces of card AND a bubblewrap mailer. Now the t**t wants his money back. Does anyone know if i can claim off the post office and how?

Just get the buyer to send back the record. Otherwise do nothing. If it comes back then re-emburse him/her. And next time send special delivery, or recorded.

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