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Guest lagerlout

Do you reckon that DJKC will sign my boxer shirts like Baby Washington did....while I still have them on.....tis true, she signed them at Prestatyn in the car park while I was talking to Ray Pollard RIP.

thing is shute you may sell them on e-bay after D.J.K.C. as signed them, and are you willing to pay us the royaltise for this .....so a small fee of lets say 5 english pounds....

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Do you reckon that DJKC will sign my boxer shirts like Baby Washington did....while I still have them on.....tis true, she signed them at Prestatyn in the car park while I was talking to Ray Pollard RIP.

I think he dreamt this and thinks has convinced himself it was true ..... :lol::lol:

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two more days to go....................

gotta sort some 45s out as only bringing a little box up to Leeds

quality not quantity that counts I believe ?

This is what I really like about these dayers, I know I will get to hear some different stuff :P

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teehee go for it Shute LOL

:D Dam, I haven't got one, :shhh:

would be funny though, don't you think !

There you are playing a really good 45 and then you mix the horn section from the Pye release half way through then back to what you were playing originally...or if anyone has a copy of Dave & Ansils Double Barrell 45, you could mix in the begining were they say '' I AM THE MAGNIFICENT DOUBLE O - O - O''


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:thumbsup: Dam, I haven't got one, :thumbsup:

would be funny though, don't you think !

There you are playing a really good 45 and then you mix the horn section from the Pye release half way through then back to what you were playing originally...or if anyone has a copy of Dave & Ansils Double Barrell 45, you could mix in the begining were they say '' I AM THE MAGNIFICENT DOUBLE O - O - O''

:lol::lol::lol::lol: STILL PIZZING ME SEN AT THIS

I played funky nassau at the Derby dayer and it went down a storm........ :thumbsup:

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Three women left separately after a very late night out drinking Guinness until the early hours.

They met the next day for an early pint, and compared notes about who had been the most drunk.

The first gal claims that she was the drunkest, saying, "I drove straight home, walked into the house, and as soon as I got through the door, I blew chunks".

To which the second gal replied, "You think that was drunk? I got in my car, drove out of the parking lot, and wrapped my car around the first tree I saw. I don't even have insurance!"

And the third proclaimed, "I was by far the most drunk. I got home, I go in a big fight with my husband, knocked a candle over and burned the whole house down!"

They all looked at each other for a moment.

Then the first gal says: "Ladies, I don't think you understand. Chunks is my dog."

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Sorted now..Gonna be here with a few mates from York etc...Looking forward to seeing the old crowd and a few new faces...Fu"k it,lets get wasted :thumbsup::thumbsup: ...I was gonna be a good lad but its Saturday...

Great news....Get up early Stevie it starts at 11.30........your an old Huddersfield lad..that shouldn't worry you :thumbsup: .

Brett........looking forward to drinking orange and lemonade.

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Sorted now..Gonna be here with a few mates from York etc...Looking forward to seeing the old crowd and a few new faces...Fu"k it,lets get wasted :thumbsup::thumbsup: ...I was gonna be a good lad but its Saturday...

If you wanna get wasted, Stevie owd lad, you're coming to the right place :lol:

All aboard the Soulsville Express, a non-stop 12 hour journey through Yorkshire's longest tunnel :thumbsup:

Jamie :lol:

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Here's another York soulie that'll see you early doors :thumbsup: . I hear there's a whole squad coming over, as they've heard that if they wear their vests and bags (and display their Wigan patches), Mr Franklin will play "Right Track" for them.... :thumbsup: Remember....Saturday is Baltika Day!


Good luck with this, you 'orrible lot :lol:

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. I hear there's a whole squad coming over, as they've heard that if they wear their vests and bags (and display their Wigan patches), Mr Franklin will play "Right Track" for them.... :thumbsup: Remember....Saturday is Baltika Day!

I heard that rumour too :D

Tomorrow :D its nearly here :D

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Almost had to cancel our trip up north, last night. Got a phone call from the In-laws saying our two youngest were bored and wanted to come home. So they're bringing them home today! :D

So a quick phone call to my Mum and a large bit of pleading (I'm a miserable little pleader! :thumbsup: ) later, I've managed to get her to babysit for the weekend. :D

Hope to be there by early afternoon. :D

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Almost had to cancel our trip up north, last night. Got a phone call from the In-laws saying our two youngest were bored and wanted to come home. So they're bringing them home today! :(

So a quick phone call to my Mum and a large bit of pleading (I'm a miserable little pleader! :thumbsup: ) later, I've managed to get her to babysit for the weekend. :D

Hope to be there by early afternoon. :D

As your mum is so kind do you think she'd mind having my rug rat too so that I can come and play out :D

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You may be relived to know that I wont be there, Ime on nights all weekend, had a holiday request form up for ages and no takers, Hope you all have a good un,

Looks like may next outing will be The Wilton in November Will just have to stick some vinyl on the decks Crack open a case of stella and have a party all on my own

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:thumbsup: Yes he is, i've heard him launch into fluent Russian after he's had a few drinks..... :D

Brettski (as he's known back in his native tundra) is also adept at writing Russian after a few jars. Usually on peoples legs.

Tundra comes from the Finnish word "tunturia", which means a barren land. The ground is permanently frozen 10 inches to 3 feet (25 to 100 cm) down so that trees can't grow there. The bare and sometimes rocky ground can only support low growing plants like mosses, heaths, and lichen. In the winter it is cold and dark and in the summer, when the snow and the top layer of permafrost melt, it is very soggy and the tundra is covered with marshes, lakes, bogs and streams that breed thousands of insects and attract many migrating birds. This may explain why Brettski only has a very fine covering of "down" like hair on his polished bonce.

In his hometown of Yakutia in the Tundra, Brettski used to wile away his time reindeer herding and collecting pine needles. On a sunday he would occasionally smoke a clay pipe. When he was feeling adventurous, he would partake in local sports such as axe throwing, hop, step and jump, tossing a snare on a pole, sled-vaulting, 3-km cross-country relay races, which all use everyday tools as sporting gear. These sports have their own heroes, for example, German Sandrin, who can throw an axe 200 m; Yury Taligin, who tossed a snare pole 68 times; and Bely Yar native Aleksandr Tasmanov, whose phenomenal achievement of jumping over 820 sleds was recorded in the Guinness Book of World Records. Man alive, I kid you not. Upon moving to Sheffield he quickly intergrated himself into the local community and culture and his hobbies now include car-jacking, handbag appropriation and simultaneous affray.

I attach a picture of Brettski in his indigenous enviroment...

Edited by Rich Buckley
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Brettski (as he's known back in his native tundra) is also adept at writing Russian after a few jars. Usually on peoples legs.

Tundra comes from the Finnish word "tunturia", which means a barren land. The ground is permanently frozen 10 inches to 3 feet (25 to 100 cm) down so that trees can't grow there. The bare and sometimes rocky ground can only support low growing plants like mosses, heaths, and lichen. In the winter it is cold and dark and in the summer, when the snow and the top layer of permafrost melt, it is very soggy and the tundra is covered with marshes, lakes, bogs and streams that breed thousands of insects and attract many migrating birds. This may explain why Brettski only has a very fine covering of "down" like hair on his polished bonce.

In his hometown of Yakutia in the Tundra, Brettski used to wile away his time reindeer herding and collecting pine needles. On a sunday he would occasionally smoke a clay pipe. When he was feeling adventurous, he would partake in local sports such as axe throwing, hop, step and jump, tossing a snare on a pole, sled-vaulting, 3-km cross-country relay races, which all use everyday tools as sporting gear. These sports have their own heroes, for example, German Sandrin, who can throw an axe 200 m; Yury Taligin, who tossed a snare pole 68 times; and Bely Yar native Aleksandr Tasmanov, whose phenomenal achievement of jumping over 820 sleds was recorded in the Guinness Book of World Records. Man alive, I kid you not. Upon moving to Sheffield he quickly intergrated himself into the local community and culture and his hobbies now include car-jacking, handbag appropriation and simultaneous affray.

I attach a picture of Brettski in his indigenous enviroment...

"SWEET CREEPING JESUS"....i thought my past was buried..............

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Are you sure that Trevski hasn't got the 'ski' postnominal copywrited :thumbsup:

Maybe they are related ? :D

Ged, they're first cousins - can't you tell by the matching polished bonces??? Due to an accident with a small mammal, Brettski is unable to grow a goatee beard and that my friend is how you distinguish Trevski :D


Snap Rich :D

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Guest Chris Waterman

Jamie,Rich and the rest of the crew

Have a good one Saturday and will see you out and about soon

Chris W

Edited by Chris Waterman
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Stop Press....... just heard that due to unforseen circumstances.....that the near legendary TONY JACKSON from the Greatsone Soul Club...is stepping in with an incredible box crammed full with rare soul 45's..............

I for one cannot wait for Mr Jacksons spot.........bring it on..........

It will be a long day but bretheren, fear not your leader and rapscallion will lead you to the promised land.....

Jesus starting to sound like the Rev. Jim Jones..........

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Stop Press....... just heard that due to unforseen circumstances.....that the near legendary TONY JACKSON from the Greatsone Soul Club...is stepping in with an incredible box crammed full with rare soul 45's..............

I for one cannot wait for Mr Jacksons spot.........bring it on..........

It will be a long day but bretheren, fear not your leader and rapscallion will lead you to the promised land.....

Jesus starting to sound like the Rev. Jim Jones..........

Brett, what time is Tony on ?

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Karen you'll have to see the two fellows who run Soulsville for that information, all i know is that Mr Jackson is an incredible inclusion to an already much talked about event, with people coming from way down South and also from Wales and lastly but in no way leastly the capital of Scotland .Edinburgh....now that 's Northern Soul for you......

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Karen you'll have to see the two fellows who run Soulsville for that information, all i know is that Mr Jackson is an incredible inclusion to an already much talked about event, with people coming from way down South and also from Wales and lastly but in no way leastly the capital of Scotland .Edinburgh....now that 's Northern Soul for you......

Looking forward to it Brett, I don't think I have heard Mr Jackson spin but you guys always speak very highly of him :huh:

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