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Source Admin Log - Going ons..


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Ok people as have a bit more time available now to spend on the admin side of things on here, read the below...

One thing always felt needed an improvement on here,  is letting people know what's going on or/and how things work and the thinking behind things/actions/decisions

Plan is as 'admin' things happen will try and make a note in this topic just to inform and try and keep all members aware of everything soul source related on the admin and moderation side

To get things going a couple of member related admin tasks that were carried out


Active/inactive members

We do close accounts after 3 years inactivity but as just done we can reopen once aware that the member has logged in again (a monthly check) as long as its within a year of the closure, as we delete after 4 years

This is done as per data protection/privacy concerns, we are signed up to the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) under the Data Protection Act 2018. and do follow their UK GDPR guidance


Spam Members/Bots  - Getting Cleverer

There is an increase in the amount of posts by spam bots/members who appear to be getting cleverer all the time both thru ai and manual posting methods. sometimes hard to spot as they do quote other members posts in what at first seems a normal way but once you look at things deeper you can see what they are up to

If you do notice that a post by a new member has gone missing then there is a good chance that the member has been marked by us the site as a  'spammer' which will then automatically delete all the spammers content and closes the account


Ok that's about it for now as said will try and keep this 'admin' related topic both informative and worthwhile


As always if you do have any q's on anything admin/moderation related you are always more than welcome to shout them up via comments, new topics or if rather pm me or any of the team

team link




Edited by Mike
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A morning catch up on recent admin stuff and backend work


eBay highlight feature

improvements carried out to our ebay highlights feature, can read here


Community map feature

As we  now have an inhouse event map feature the 'events' category on the Community map feature  has been removed as no need any longer

Also other Community map feature categories such as  record stores, historic venues, studio locations etc have been removed as they have never been used

Do need to be aware that some of these features here on Soul Source do require regular 6/12 monthly licence payments, and as such they are always under review

The Community map feature now basically serves as a member location only feature and will review if still worthwhile keeping it running in the near future


Community Map Feature link


Our New Local Soul Event Map replacement



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I’ve noticed allot of member locations, i.e, the written location on the profile do not match the map... mine doesn’t, the pin is bucks, but I live in Wales... unless the location feature maybe helps with spammers like your recent Indian post Mike, it's fun, but I don’t think that map is all that necessary.

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yep the 'map' and the 'profile' addresses are different 

it should now in theory sync the profile location onto the map one

try re-entering your profile location and within a hour it should sync so both are the same... in theory


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sales forum

a ebay sales advert post was dropped from our main forum


our main record sales forum is set up for direct selling only

as in setup for our members selling directly thru soul source


as it says in the guidelines that all members posting have agreed to follow...


Sales Markt Section Guidelines


Sellers - where to post/advertise your record sale items in our Soul Markt sections...

Member posting individual sale items or lists - selling directly via Soul Source (by pm/email/telephone) - Post in the RECORD SALES FORUM

Member with a website/store - selling directly via Soul Source (by pm/email/telephone) - Post in the RECORD SALES FORUM

Member with a website/store - posting listings for their website/shop sales and sells directly via their own shop/listings - Post in the WEBSITE SALES FORUM

Members selling items on ebay/discogs - who wish to advertise those sales to members - Post in the WEBSITE SALES FORUM

Members who own/run a website which is set-up to publicly charge other traders to sell/buy 45s (fee/commission) - BANNER ADVERTISING AVAILABLE ONLY



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yet again need to sort this out

If people wish to discuss 45s prices, merits etc then our 'box' forum is the place not other members sales topics




Please do not comment on the merits/prices etc of Sale Forum items.  This can have a negative effect on the sale and can affect the listings of other members sales.

The finer details of the deal should be done via the site PM (personal message) system. Use PMs for personal information, chat or off-topic chat. Any comments deemed to be in violation may be removed without discussion.


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the  'Satellite Weekender's' issue has just come up again

It is something that needs to be done otherwise every weekend when there's a major national weekender such as Blackpool or Whitby we  would end up with up to say 6 different weekenders howing being on at the same town at the same weekend in the guide




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Both a server and a site upgrades have been recently carried out, no new features, just backend stuff, though as always with upgrades there's always a chance of some new glitches afterwards

Just shout up if you spot anything



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Another bug on the Activity stream here Mike.

I scroll down through the first page no problem , but when I hit the "Load more activity" box to load the next page it's jumping from about six hours worth straight back to May 1st's activity and nothing inbetween ... ?

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On 17/06/2024 at 17:21, Chalky said:

Is this affecting the activity stream?  I keep setting ,mine so it doesn't show events and other stuff but it keep resetting to show everything?

can you try this link out


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2 hours ago, Woodbutcher said:

Another bug on the Activity stream here Mike.

I scroll down through the first page no problem , but when I hit the "Load more activity" box to load the next page it's jumping from about six hours worth straight back to May 1st's activity and nothing inbetween ... ?

odd , seems ok here, maybe a cache issue, will reset a few things overnight to see if that sorts it out
can ya try viewing with browser in incognito mode

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5 minutes ago, Mike said:

odd , seems ok here, maybe a cache issue, will reset a few things overnight to see if that sorts it out
can ya try viewing with browser in incognito mode

Hi Mike ,

It's working OK if I change the setting to "Expanded" but it's in the "Condensed" setting that I've used for a decade now that it's gone awry ... :)

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10 minutes ago, Woodbutcher said:

Hi Mike ,

It's working OK if I change the setting to "Expanded" but it's in the "Condensed" setting that I've used for a decade now that it's gone awry ... :)

Ok that helps as I can see that happening I will try and repair tomorrow


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9 hours ago, Chalky said:

that link wants me to create an account

should say 'Create New Stream' ?

you set up a new activity stream with the options that you want, then you choose to name it and set it up as the default stream

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5 minutes ago, Woodbutcher said:

Seems all good here now Mike ... :thumbup:

yep I just tracked down the cause, something was up with an articles comments, now sorted



12 minutes ago, Chalky said:

Sorted that but the activity stream link that was top right no longer there

should be ok fo rya now?

if you do it again (the edit), you need to hit the stream option button and then 'save as default'


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having some issues with our news/articles feature and the comments intergration

looking like that there's a need to rebuild and refresh once time allows

on the list

just so ya aware

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On 18/06/2024 at 13:42, Mike said:

having some issues with our news/articles feature and the comments intergration

looking like that there's a need to rebuild and refresh once time allows

on the list

just so ya aware

right old bit of work needed to sort this feature out once and for all

the main issue is that the comments are duplicated in both the forum and the news/articles feature

which does cause a lot of technical issues during this sorting out

in future looking at rather than 'mirror' the comments will go for a comments on the news/articles only and just an announcement in the forums



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We have recently had complaints/concerns regarding posts in the forum accusing people of criminal acts

In such cases, when we are not in a position to validate these accusations, once aware of any concerns we have no choice but to remove the posts as per our terms of use



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last week had to edit/remove a real life address posted in a post regarding a discogs sales dispute

posting such details with out the persons consent can be problematic, especially when it concerns third party disputes that we have no means of validating and as such is discouraged unless there are good reasons


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the news/article repair/rebuild carries on

fair bit of manual work matching comments up with the article and then the forum posts


if you are getting notifications regarding 'new' replies which are 'old' then the above is why


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every month a manual check is done on all inactive accounts to see if they are active again

if they are (3 this month) then once aware they will be manually switched to active and reopened

the stock reply pm sent below says it all...



Your soul source account was closed as your account was reported by the system as inactive (over 3 years non-use)

There is a years 'grace' before all closed accounts are deleted

As you have recently logged in to Soul Source again,  your account has now been reopened as now active

Just so aware of what is going on

Welcome Back

Source Team

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The 'new' Front Page News & Articles forum has now been set to redirect to the news/article feature item when click on a topic

This will hopefully resolve some of the 'duplication' that we get sharing the comments with the forum and teh feature


basically if you click on the forum topic announcing the article you now get took to the article comments


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News feature improvements still ongoing


Events moderation

a couple of reviews have recently been dropped 

as they where not actual reviews

One was a comment on a previous reviewer being involved with the event, and the other was a couldn't make it message



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regarding people involved in the event posting reviews afterwards

my take is as per below

a promoters (or someone who is involved) viewpoint can be interesting, yep sure its not always going to be that way from every promoter,  a lot does depend on the actual promoters style/manner etc, but most of promoters on here do give a interesting 'take' 

And as long as everyone is or can be aware that they are part of the event  team and so are giving an 'involved' view, then there shouldn't be a problem, should there?


any views out there ?

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Posted (edited)

In the past I have given starred reviews for Grumpy and other venues I've had a hand in running, but have a different view these days.

I always post afterwards, to thank people for coming, DJs etc but don't feel it right for me as a promoter to give starred feedback. Everyone will think differently of course, but my feeling is that it is down to those who have attended and supported the event to give stars if they so wish x

Edited by Jumpinjoan
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I’m like Joan, I prefer others to leave reviews if I was involved.  I’ve been to many events where the promoter has left a review and I’ve wondered if we was at the same venue. 

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thanks both of you for taking time to pass on ya views

18 hours ago, Jumpinjoan said:

In the past I have given starred reviews for Grumpy and other venues I've had a hand in running, but have a different view these days.

I always post afterwards, to thank people for coming, DJs etc but don't feel it right for me as a promoter to give starred feedback. Everyone will think differently of course, but my feeling is that it is down to those who have attended and supported the event to give stars if they so wish x

the problem is that the main and only workable  place to give 'after event' views is the 'reviews' section of the event entry

No real way can change this, 

We did once have a no promoters post 'reviews' policy but that was very problematic

Any such system needs to be automatic and as the only way we can id 'promoters' is by the member posting the event - this can lead to various issues, as not every promoter is the actual event poster, plus we do have events being run by teams as in more than one person and we can't id every one involved .



2 hours ago, Chalky said:

I’m like Joan, I prefer others to leave reviews if I was involved.  I’ve been to many events where the promoter has left a review and I’ve wondered if we was at the same venue. 

But ain't that that 'promoters' fault, I do read some 'promoters' give a decent worthwhile after event view

Could/should people say ok that is/was a 'promoters' view and then be able to take that in to consideration?



I feel it be better if we have a open and easy to use enjoyable 'review' system

Where promoters are encouraged to pass on views afterwards and connect with members who have attended as Joan says

if we stop all them posting then we wont get that imo


Possible improvement may be to mark/highlight the review as promoters/authors/involved view/post, any others?


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I hear what you are saying Mike, it's trickers. That said, most promoters aren't going to star their events down are they, they are more often than not going to go for the full five. 

Maybe get rid of the star rating altogether and just have a written review? Like Chalky said, sometimes they are far from an honest representation of a night - good or bad x

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On 03/07/2024 at 13:30, Jumpinjoan said:

I hear what you are saying Mike, it's trickers. That said, most promoters aren't going to star their events down are they, they are more often than not going to go for the full five. 

Maybe get rid of the star rating altogether and just have a written review? Like Chalky said, sometimes they are far from an honest representation of a night - good or bad x

Can't really get rid of the stars as the review system is a site wide tool and any edits like that could have a knock on effect elsewhere or in the future

Another option would be to remove it completely for events and just say use the comments but as said I do feel it is a feature which does allows members (both punters and people involved) to give a more deliberate viewpoint if wish and so worthwhile

I have added the below to show when a 'promoter' has posted a review so in theory all reading should be more aware where the 'take' is coming from 


Promoters view: Please note the below 'view' was posted by the 'promoter'



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Thanks Mike. The promoter view notice doesn't work for us though, as someone else posts our event up (we hold takeover nights at their venue). Plus there are events on here that have more than one promoter.

No real biggie, I'll just continue posting an after the event comment rather than a review x

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On 07/07/2024 at 13:01, Jumpinjoan said:

Thanks Mike. The promoter view notice doesn't work for us though, as someone else posts our event up (we hold takeover nights at their venue). Plus there are events on here that have more than one promoter.

No real biggie, I'll just continue posting an after the event comment rather than a review x

no probs Joan, thanks for the feedback


a general comment on it all

as a example (to me) of one way that the 'review by promoters' can work well, is a recent review here


ok you can always 'wonder' about the amount of stars given, that is unavoidable,  but (to me) the wording and the manner of the review do make it a useful 'endnote' from the promoter  to the event promotion?

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The main thrust over last week has been the building of the Event Guide weekly map view

Basically every  week view/list in the event guide now has a corresponding map view


The news article here has more info and details



A final glitch has been ironed out thanks to a member making us aware and now the 'map view' should be hopefully 100%

As always if you do spot any glitches or do have any feedback then pass it on as most helpful and always appreciated




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Yet again we get a request for access to an old account on here

the member has lost the password and lost access to the account email

Unfortunately we can not give access unless you have access to one of the above

Don't forget we are talking in some cases about giving out access to the accounts pms, financial details, personal info and so on, as such we do need to follow certain guidelines to ensure data protection is upheld


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Deleting accounts

Had a request, just for info when we do get these we normally ask and then wait for 24 hr confirmations.

As once an account is deleted then there is no return of it

We can close and re-open accounts, so depending on the reasons, a closure request may be a better option than a deletion request


All the articles comment images should be now sorted along with other issues/concerns


Moving on to looking at a spring clean of past events

Thinking is to move all  events posted pre-2020 to our event archive section, which is set up for  member only viewing

This should help server performance, any concerns?


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On 22/07/2024 at 15:05, Mike said:

Deleting accounts

Had a request, just for info when we do get these we normally ask and then wait for 24 hr confirmations.

As once an account is deleted then there is no return of it

We can close and re-open accounts, so depending on the reasons, a closure request may be a better option than a deletion request

also we do have an 'official' account deletion request feature via the security page on your account settings page


On 22/07/2024 at 15:05, Mike said:


All the articles comment images should be now sorted along with other issues/concerns

should be sorted but.... if do see any missing please flag so we can sort asp

On 22/07/2024 at 15:05, Mike said:


Moving on to looking at a spring clean of past events

Thinking is to move all  events posted pre-2020 to our event archive section, which is set up for  member only viewing

This should help server performance, any concerns?


All events posted before 01 Jan 2020 have now been moved and are now listed in our archive Event section (members only)

to view just navigate to the day using our 'jump' button and the events will show


Off topic posts

as always ask people to try and keep things on topic in our forums,

a lot easier and less hassle if you start a new topic




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