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** Recording On Your Telephone / Interviews **

Mal C

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Hi, I'm gonna be doing some phone interviews shortly and need a way to record them, I own a bog satandard wirelwess BT phone, does anybody have any suggestions how I might go about it?

I'd expect the interviews to go on for maybe an hour..

Thanks in advance,

Mal.C. :thumbsup:

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Guest Dodger

Can't you do it via Skype on your computer? The software is free and I think all you need is a Skype phone you can plug into your computer and/or a headset and mic? I'm sure there are free recording packages for your computer as well. I've only read up on it briefly but maybe that's a possibility you might explore?


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I use an internet connection to my wireless phone and a digital dictaphone. Simply put the conversation on "speakerphone" and away you go.

Hope this helps.

Thanks guys, yeah i have a programme which allows me to record either by mic or input, I'll take a look see if I can connect the two...

its not easy is it, I cant do speed writing any more my short hand is seriously crap..laughs



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Guest MBarrett


Do you see these Google ads coming up on this post for Rectel and Shorecomms. Might be something there of interest.

Never thought about this before but now I WANT this facility.

Had some dealings with a guy at our Council a while back who I considered as a bully and a liar. It was like they had head hunted him from a car clamping firm.

I could have used this tool in one of two ways.


1. Recorded our telephone conversations without him knowing and then told him afterwards that I had everything he had said on CD. Copies on the way to his boss, councillors etc. etc.

2. Warned him up front that I would be recording what he said and hearing his tongue literally tie itself in knots.

An opportunity lost - curses!!


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Would this type of thing be useful? Basically it's an old-school device that plugs into your phone line and then into a recording device.

Telephone Recorder

I've used a similar product to that in the past. Works great. thumbsup.gif Just plug it in to your soundcard on your computer and record as a WAV file or plug it into a tape recorder. Easier to rewind/fast-forward in a computer file though.

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