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Keep The Faith....is It A Soul Scene Myth?


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Guest vinylvixen


grumpy old men and women bemoaning trivial things, cos they've reached "the age".Winnie:-)

Oh Gawd, we've all collectively reached the Soul Menopause :rolleyes: Reaches for her soul 'HRT' patch biggrin.gif Jo

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'Keeping the Faith' - hmmm, let me see..... It's more than a venue, it's more than a talc covered sprung dancefloor, it's more than queuing on a bitterly cold November night in the driving Lancastrian rain , it's more than fading photos in tatty albums, it's more than a chest infection after a weekender, it's more than lifelong friends - it's all this and more distilled into a tiny droplet that lives in a warm dark recess in your heart and now and again, this droplet is pumped out into your blood stream when you hear the music........that is the key that unlocks everything.

It is the music that has been the one constant in my life and that 'KTF' feeling has supported me - without fail - through good times and bad. End of. Jo

That was very eloquently put Jo - nice one. I think I'll start a poll - let me see now, do I know how to do that?



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Yep - well that's up to them isn't? Nothing's ever perfect - but my experiences of the scene have been far more positive then my experiences elsewhere.


I'm in agreement with that, and how's this for a positive experience:

I'm DJ'ing 45 miles away at Ramsgate on Saturday and both our family cars are unexpectedly in for repair.

I put a shout on the "Stolen Hours" events thread in the hope that someone might give me a lift.

I GET OFFERED THE LOAN OF A CAR from someone I know only through the soul scene - he's DJ'ing elsewhere that night and doesn't want to see me stuck.

I've only known him for a couple of years, and like I say only from the soul scene. Now that's what I call camaraderie!

Take a bow BEARSY!.......TOP MAN :thumbup:

- Kevin

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Guest WPaulVanDyk

There are politics ok fair enough but one thing. I go and love the scene for music and because where i am there are people nice enough to welcome you and if any idiots want to go and spoil it, there choice we just not a fan of you. It's also at times a scene where people you not know when you are out be it town, car boot, in a pub or wherever can come up and say i like the patches on the jacket you a fan and get talking without a problem.

Only thing i hate is PC for instance a DJ plays a song by Jackie Wilson - Open the Door To Your Heart and it makes a lot of people angry why not Darrell Banks so have to get DJ to play that verison so he does to make them happy, to me why can't they just accept the version he played and get on with i don't go complaing when they play Darrell Banks over Jackie Wilson version (i like his better).

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'Keeping the Faith' - hmmm, let me see..... It's more than a venue, it's more than a talc covered sprung dancefloor, it's more than queuing on a bitterly cold November night in the driving Lancastrian rain , it's more than fading photos in tatty albums, it's more than a chest infection after a weekender, it's more than lifelong friends - it's all this and more distilled into a tiny droplet that lives in a warm dark recess in your heart and now and again, this droplet is pumped out into your blood stream when you hear the music........that is the key that unlocks everything.

It is the music that has been the one constant in my life and that 'KTF' feeling has supported me - without fail - through good times and bad. End of. Jo

I've never been mugged, beaten up (apart from football fans so that don't count!) had my property vandalized or burgled. To read our local rag, you would think it was happening all the time to everyone and I have just got very lucky. It's depressing reading.

In my six short years on the scene, I have made more friends, had more superb nights out and heard more brilliant music than in the previous 25 years put together. The only trouble I know about is what I read on Soul Source. Maybe I should keep off here and bin the local rag :D

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Guest in town Mikey

I'm in agreement with that, and how's this for a positive experience:

I'm DJ'ing 45 miles away at Ramsgate on Saturday and both our family cars are unexpectedly in for repair.

I put a shout on the "Stolen Hours" events thread in the hope that someone might give me a lift.

I GET OFFERED THE LOAN OF A CAR from someone I know only through the soul scene - he's DJ'ing elsewhere that night and doesn't want to see me stuck.

I've only known him for a couple of years, and like I say only from the soul scene. Now that's what I call camaraderie!

Take a bow BEARSY!.......TOP MAN :D

- Kevin

Outstanding Bearsy.

Tek a boo young man. Tek a boo.

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Guest Dr Pickles

I'm in agreement with that, and how's this for a positive experience:

I'm DJ'ing 45 miles away at Ramsgate on Saturday and both our family cars are unexpectedly in for repair.

I put a shout on the "Stolen Hours" events thread in the hope that someone might give me a lift.

I GET OFFERED THE LOAN OF A CAR from someone I know only through the soul scene - he's DJ'ing elsewhere that night and doesn't want to see me stuck.

I've only known him for a couple of years, and like I say only from the soul scene. Now that's what I call camaraderie!

Take a bow BEARSY!.......TOP MAN :D

- Kevin


He is a great bloke but expect to start it with a screwdriver and drive it like HE stole it. :thumbup:

Nice to hear some good things on here for a change.


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All is well it seems..We all have had so many fantastic nights and met so many great people..Can't let the odd bad vibe get you down..Its like newspapers,they mainly print the horror story and don't tell you about all the good things....We are in a great scene and should thank the dear lord for that..

Peace and Love... Rev... Kenny Lynch x

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All is well it seems..We all have had so many fantastic nights and met so many great people..Can't let the odd bad vibe get you down..Its like newspapers,they mainly print the horror story and don't tell you about all the good things....We are in a great scene and should thank the dear lord for that..

Peace and Love... Rev... Kenny Lynch x

Aw Steve I'm filling up......can tell it's Friday :thumbup::D

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Keep The Faith....is It A Soul Scene Myth?

nope ,I dont think it is..if it were not for the soul scene,me and the misses would not go out,I dont want to go to town " young punks spilling bear on my shoes" and all the trouble, you can keep it, I love the scene the music the folks,theres nowt else like it

oh and apart from all that...im not ready for me pipe slippers and cocoa just yet :thumbsup:


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