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oldsteve woomble

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    this is a old account - please go here for steves new account https://www.soul-source.co.uk/profile/48579-steve-woomble/

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  1. Really good release this Andy. Nice one. Hope all's well pal!
  2. One from me, before the wooden hill..... Probably is/has been/was (etc) massive........ But not in my post code/vicinity/envelope..... Magnificent!!.......
  3. Reasonable enough tune Jerry, but pales into insignificance compared with t'other side.......... Only IMHO of course! :-)
  4. All the best Dean, hope all goes well, get well and soon!!!
  5. Come to the actual weekender Steve! Us in the 'Modern Room' are unlikely to be playing any Northern Soul.... :-) But we definitely will be spinning what you want in "Modern, Jazz-funk, rare groove"....... (There'll be some soulful house too no doubt, but you can nip to the bar when that's on....) My own soul train will be going from Mario Biondi to Motherfox..... from Ronnie Dyson to Dyson's Faces..... and stopping at most stations in between (and around).... Or summat like that anyway......
  6. And while we're on the subject, can whoever needs to please quit it with all the bootleg/re-pressing/whatever it is you're fuckin doing bollocking bollocks. It's getting really boring now. Just STOP IT. Please. There, I feel better now. Thank you.
  7. "But If You Must Go", one of the best tracks ever recorded. A monster. I've only ever had it on the Blues Gallery album. Good arrows Sean. Never heard the Debbie Taylor, so this is an essential for me.
  8. I couldn't let today end without acknowledging the very sad passing of "Docker". I got to know Docker only recently, about 4 or 5 years ago, via my Wendy and the rest of the madness of the "Preston Soul Crew". But sometimes, when you meet someone, you just know straight away that you're in the presence of a legend.... It was a privilege to have known Docker. His enthusiasm for 'this soul thing of ours' was a joy to behold. I know there are many on here who will have gone way, way back with Docker, and who will have many, many fond memories. It's Docker's funeral tomorrow. The Preston Soul Crew will, of course, be amongst the very many there to pay their respects. Much love and respect to Jayne, and all of Docker's family and friends. Rest In Peace Docker. Keep on stomping pal.
  9. Love peace and harmony, better education is the key.... Fab tune, good memories.
  10. 'Kinel!! 20 years! Pitches was perfect & Phoenix phantastic. My favourite times. Marie Franklin, Being In Love Ain't Easy off Gary for a fiver. Oh yes. (And many, many more similar besides).... Tomorrows Wish, My Love With You.... not heard that out since I don't think..... Criminal! Diggin it out now as I type..... Didn't we end up 'upstairs' at Phoenix? It's a bit hazy now.... :-) 20 years? Insane.
  11. Miss HKF - What's the record? If the deal goes up the hoover, someone on here might just have a copy lurking around to abate your sobbing. It's worth the ask!? :-)
  12. It was really good IMHO. And finishing off with Soulful Strut was nice.... I'll definitely be tuning in tomorrow.

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