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Steam Allnighter


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Just returned from a great night out....early doors Prince of Wales (Stafford)...From Doo-wop to R&B and a little of everything in between, a great taste of 'where it all started' so cozy it feels like popping round to yer mates for a bevvy and a record sesh.

Then up to Steam in Crewe

I'd had been really looking forward to this nighter.

It's always such a pleasure to attend a venue where you know there will be new sounds to savour...some I'd love...some I'd loathe...but best of all....there would be very few I'd know, after all isn't that what give and take is all about? something to suit all tastes. and no complaining.

Well I am complaining...bitterly

All was, as messers Beggs & Parker had promised it would be....the Dj's with the bollocks to try out new sounds were there...Alas the punters were not !!!!

A great nighter...run by folk who dare to be different...bang smack in the middle of the country having such a paltry attendance is Criminal. God only knows how let down Johnny and Des must have felt...I was gutted for them. Dont get me wrong...I had a bloody whale of a time, as, I'm sure did all the others who could be arsed to attend, but I would hazard a guess that last night, would be the last one...

How very very sad

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I have attended and DJed at Steam in the past, and whilst it was always enjoyable, it was always a pain in the arse to get to and from.

Ok if you live on that side of the Pennines, not so easy if you don't.

I think the location, the constant changing of rooms and previous low attendances have all counted against this venue.

Maybe it's time to draw a line under this one and find somewhere else?

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Just returned from a great night out....early doors Prince of Wales (Stafford)...From Doo-wop to R&B and a little of everything in between, a great taste of 'where it all started' so cozy it feels like popping round to yer mates for a bevvy and a record sesh.

Then up to Steam in Crewe

I'd had been really looking forward to this nighter.

It's always such a pleasure to attend a venue where you know there will be new sounds to savour...some I'd love...some I'd loathe...but best of all....there would be very few I'd know, after all isn't that what give and take is all about? something to suit all tastes. and no complaining.

Well I am complaining...bitterly

All was, as messers Beggs & Parker had promised it would be....the Dj's with the bollocks to try out new sounds were there...Alas the punters were not !!!!

A great nighter...run by folk who dare to be different...bang smack in the middle of the country having such a paltry attendance is Criminal. God only knows how let down Johnny and Des must have felt...I was gutted for them. Dont get me wrong...I had a bloody whale of a time, as, I'm sure did all the others who could be arsed to attend, but I would hazard a guess that last night, would be the last one...

How very very sad

Musically it dont get any better than this. Was Gob Smacked at the Quality and how it was served up. With a SMILE. To give you a idea of the dare to be different. Mark Speakman, Chico and myself, Who between us have over a 100 years on this scene. Where constantly asking each other what the fcuk is this. And then would have to go and ask the DJ to find out because we didnt have a clue. AWESOME.

Thanks to all the DJ,s last night my faith in the rarer side of this scene has been restored.

Johnny & Des. take a BOW.


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I have attended and DJed at Steam in the past, and whilst it was always enjoyable, it was always a pain in the arse to get to and from.

Ok if you live on that side of the Pennines, not so easy if you don't.

I think the location, the constant changing of rooms and previous low attendances have all counted against this venue.

Maybe it's time to draw a line under this one and find somewhere else?

Thing is Joe, plenty of soulies live on this side of the Pennines, and Crewe is only a few miles from the M6 junction 16 so I don't think that has any bearing on the matter (there were plenty of like minded soulies at Bidds the week before)

Previous low attendances don't help, the venue does seem cursed as such.

There is of course lots of allnighters on the calender nowadays, and people can't afford to go out every weekend...the majority of don't want to hear stuff they don't know all night, no matter how good it is.

Eventually something has to give, and unfortunately it seems as though Johnny and Des are the victims on this occassion.

Their enthusiasm for the music and support for other likeminded events is second to none, shame it hasn't been repayed to them.

Full respect to them for trying to do something different, rather than sitting around moaning about the state of affairs.

I'm sure though, we will see plenty of posts over the next few months complaining about hearing the same old same old at all the venues.....ah well! :thumbsup:

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Sad to hear about the poor turnout.

I've been a couple of times and loved the event but there's definitely something in what Joe says.. unfortunately it's a devil of a place to get to from this side of the country.

Also I have heard folks say they would like to go, but never see a flyer to know when it's on. :thumbsup:

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Sad to hear about the poor turnout.

I've been a couple of times and loved the event but there's definitely something in what Joe says.. unfortunately it's a devil of a place to get to from this side of the country.

Also I have heard folks say they would like to go, but never see a flyer to know when it's on. :thumbsup:

Flyers/advertising are not Johhnys strongest point, but then again he gets everywhere, and most people know him, so if they were interested enough they could have made the effort to find out.

There are loads of events I go to that I never see a flyer for, but it is easy enough to find out where and when....not as though we haven't got the means to find out nowadays is it Dave?

Still that takes effort on their part I suppose...

There are plenty of people who have never ventured to Bidds as yet, some tell me it is because they hear it is an out and out R&B allnighter, others because they think Rare Soul implies crossover....? Bizarre eh.

Suppose it is easy to give reasons why not attend, and i appreciate there are lots of valid ones, I just hope the same people don't bemoan the fact when venues like this call it a day.

Edited by Mace
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Flyers/advertising are not Johhnys strongest point, but then again he gets everywhere, and most people know him, so if they were interested enough they could have made the effort to find out.

There are loads of events I go to that I never see a flyer for, but it is easy enough to find out where and when....not as though we haven't got the means to find out nowadays is it Dave?

Still that takes effort on their part I suppose...

There are plenty of people who have never ventured to Bidds have yet, some tell me it is because they hear it is an out and out R&B allnighter, others because they think Rare Soul implies crossover....? Bizarre eh.

Suppose it is easy to give reasons why not attend, and i appreciate there are lots of valid ones, I just hope the same people don't bemoan the fact when venues like this call it a day.

I agree mate.

I wasn't criticising btw, but not everybody reads SS and a lot still do rely on flyers.

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I agree mate.

I wasn't criticising btw, but not everybody reads SS and a lot still do rely on flyers.

Didn't presume you were Dave, I've said the same to Johnny meself.

I wasn't just referring to SS as a source of info though mate, we all know enough people on the scene to find out about these type of events if we are bothered enough to go.

As I said, Johnny and Des attend the majority of events with a similar music policy, and as a rule, Johnny could sell snow to the eskimos.....pity its a warm and dry May and there are no hordes Eskimo soulies scouring the streets of Crewe for obscure soul allnighters I suppose...

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Just reading these posts makes me honestly assess why i didnt travel the 5 miles from Nantwich to Crewe to this venue.

Well, Its the venue, its utter shite...I`d rather sit in front of the TV to be perfectly honest. (Which i did then played an hour of my newer stuff to myself and went to bed happy!) I dont know why you would expect people to travel half the length of the country to this.....i went once and I`d never go again as the venue is dark and dirty, had little atmosphere and is totally unsuitable for a nighter, its an old 80s nightclub after all.

I know John and Des well and consider them to be good friends but i do wonder how people can look at a venue like this and think its ideal for a nighter when it blatently is`nt.

Dont mean to offend anyone, just being honest.......


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Just reading these posts makes me honestly assess why i didnt travel the 5 miles from Nantwich to Crewe to this venue.

Well, Its the venue, its utter shite...I`d rather sit in front of the TV to be perfectly honest. (Which i did then played an hour of my newer stuff to myself and went to bed happy!) I dont know why you would expect people to travel half the length of the country to this.....i went once and I`d never go again as the venue is dark and dirty, had little atmosphere and is totally unsuitable for a nighter, its an old 80s nightclub after all.

I know John and Des well and consider them to be good friends but i do wonder how people can look at a venue like this and think its ideal for a nighter when it blatently is`nt.

Dont mean to offend anyone, just being honest.......


Admire your honesty Chris.

Actually the room they used last night was the street level club, and was much better than the rest of the nightclub imo, and would have been ideal if it had had about 100 people in.

Unfortunately, no people equates no atmosphere.

I also think a lot of people get too comfortable with plush surroundings of fancy venues....most of the venues that will allow allnighters at an affordable cost are usually the type that are failing clubs who need the business.....perhaps Johnny and Des should just run oldies allnighters at large plush venues and not stay true to their beliefs on music policy....least everyone can then have warm toilets and leather settees to soak up the atmosphere whilst listening to the same old same old.

No offence, just being honest.....

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perhaps Johnny and Des should just run oldies allnighters at large plush venues and not stay true to their beliefs on music policy....least everyone can then have warm toilets and leather settees to soak up the atmosphere whilst listening to the same old same old.

No offence, just being honest.....


I know what you are saying Mace....and there aint many people more forward thinking than me.....guess its just how things are but i think about how i try by best every month to get to the Orwell and the 3 greyhounds...I`ll even go when i`m at work the next day...and the difference for me is the venue itself...before i sent that post i really thought hard about why i didnt go last night...

I cant think of any oldies events with nice leather sofas either...but if you find one then let me know!


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I know what you are saying Mace....and there aint many people more forward thinking than me.....guess its just how things are but i think about how i try by best every month to get to the Orwell and the 3 greyhounds...I`ll even go when i`m at work the next day...and the difference for me is the venue itself...before i sent that post i really thought hard about why i didnt go last night...

I cant think of any oldies events with nice leather sofas either...but if you find one then let me know!


I can understand people not liking the venue, but I honestly think most people are spoiled by the quality of some venues nowadays.

It's easier to get a decent venue for a soul night than a nighter cus the working hours are acceptable to the venue employees.

To cover the associated costs of running allnighters at decent venues means you need lots of punters through the door at £12 - £15 a head...those sort of numbers only come with the more oldies orientated events.

Johnny and Des charge £5 to get in...can you honestly tell me you find the idea of paying £5 to attend a rundown venue to hear the tunes that were played 5 miles from your home that distasteful Chris, even for a few hours (you could've left early, been tucked up in bed by 2 and still had value for money)...if so I'm honestly bewildered mate.

On saying that, I don't mind 'seedy' venues...so maybe I'm missing the point....I'm more interested in the tunes been played than the carpet and curtains to be honest.

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I'd like to genuinely thank those that came, D.J.'d & danced on Saturday, and as said on many occasions, the Music played has to be one of the most diverse around, which everyone who was there really bought into. I DO appreciate the comments from Joe, Dave & Chris, and some valid points have been noted, so thanks to you all for taking time to post . Steam is just one of quite a few things I am involved with, in one way or another, including an Allnighter in Pittsburgh, of all places, that I'm helping out with, this weekend, so I'm certainly not moping about, over the scant attendance, and the beauty of Steam is we don't lose any money on it, so there's no pressure when we open the doors. We've been more or less winding things down here for a bit, and we almost had to toss a coin to determine whether we'd run Saturday, but the people that appreciate what it's all about convinced us to carry on, and are still badgering us to carry on. Anyway, myself and John are on the scene for the duration, which if you looked at some of the dull, predictable and frankly unexciting things things that are around is probably about 6 Weeks (only joking) so we're always looking ways of keeping things moving forward, and not necessarily at "Steam"............so watch this space.


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I'd like to genuinely thank those that came, D.J.'d & danced on Saturday, and as said on many occasions, the Music played has to be one of the most diverse around, which everyone who was there really bought into. I DO appreciate the comments from Joe, Dave & Chris, and some valid points have been noted, so thanks to you all for taking time to post . Steam is just one of quite a few things I am involved with, in one way or another, including an Allnighter in Pittsburgh, of all places, that I'm helping out with, this weekend, so I'm certainly not moping about, over the scant attendance, and the beauty of Steam is we don't lose any money on it, so there's no pressure when we open the doors. We've been more or less winding things down here for a bit, and we almost had to toss a coin to determine whether we'd run Saturday, but the people that appreciate what it's all about convinced us to carry on, and are still badgering us to carry on. Anyway, myself and John are on the scene for the duration, which if you looked at some of the dull, predictable and frankly unexciting things things that are around is probably about 6 Weeks (only joking) so we're always looking ways of keeping things moving forward, and not necessarily at "Steam"............so watch this space.


hi des

thanks again for leting us play,enjoyed playing as usual - glad the people who turned up got something out of it too, shame people don't turn out thou.

great sets from all dj's and agree this was probably the best room in the venue.

have fun in the states and i'm saving some pennies for when you return.

for those people that are interested below is what i played - a few leftfield bits and fun oldies chucked in - after all isn't music supposed to be for enjoyment by all!!!

one thing i picked up on is that anything latin/or latin tinged seems to ram the floor - are we in for a resurrgance of latin tracks??

played longer as rob smith was late so me and alex split his spot between us.............
































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Guest barnsey

Sad to hear about the poor turnout.

I've been a couple of times and loved the event but there's definitely something in what Joe says.. unfortunately it's a devil of a place to get to from this side of the country.

Also I have heard folks say they would like to go, but never see a flyer to know when it's on. :thumbsup:

your posting here on soul source it has been posted up on here every time its been on on by either me des or mace .i dont believe attendances of 25 to thirty people have been caused by lack of advertising just not enough people left that botherd just in the love of hearing something new.

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Guest barnsey

big thanks to all that came on saturday all the people that have been over the years and all the dj,s hope somthing will rise out of the ashes.just sick of being negative.on a scene i used to love.so prozac on a postcard to..... :thumbsup:

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big thanks to all that came on saturday all the people that have been over the years and all the dj,s hope somthing will rise out of the ashes.just sick of being negative.on a scene i used to love.so prozac on a postcard to..... :thumbsup:


HI Barnesy,,im sure its nothing personal other than the venue bud

a good friend of mine who goes all niters regularly said to me the same thing about the venue at crewe as chris did..

she told me if they moved venue and stayed with the music theyd be onto a winner..

also there were loads of soul nites on saturday too as well as worcester all niter,,,just isnt enough punters to go round the circuit sadly...

keep your chin up mate,i felt exactly the same over the years ..



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If the venue is such a 'put off' but the music policy considered so high by so many...can anyone explain the difference between Steam, and other 'seedy' venues of successful quality soul nighters such as 100 club, Lifeline at Sheridans etc.

Is it truely the venue, or does the line-up of lesser known DJs than the afformentioned venues play a bigger part?

In which case moving venue may well not change a thing........no matter how good the music policy.

How depressing a thought is that...... :thumbsup:

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hi guys sorry to hear of low numbers, went to most of steam niters for about a year,some cracking nites,tho a bit mixed up as in room and music changes one from another, when jo did his backbeat there it had everything and i thought this would help move numbers up alas no, so i ended up putting steam lower down the pecking order of choices till i stopped going,once people look elsewhere u in trouble no matter how good ,and it is, the music is! wilton seems to suffer as well, went friday, half empty! it was packed last time! the bottom line is,i think more people like listening to music they know than what i call "us" who will rush up and ask "what the f*** was that!" in awe of a new great record, or even buy an unknown record! look how many re issues are bought,its really hard to track them down isnt it? great fun so easy .no point! so keep the faith for the few guys ,they love you for it!!! ezzie

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If the venue is such a 'put off' but the music policy considered so high by so many...can anyone explain the difference between Steam, and other 'seedy' venues of successful quality soul nighters such as 100 club, Lifeline at Sheridans etc.

Is it truely the venue, or does the line-up of lesser known DJs than the afformentioned venues play a bigger part?

In which case moving venue may well not change a thing........no matter how good the music policy.

How depressing a thought is that...... :thumbsup:


hi mace

the only option is to keep going ,,if you , johnny and des are happy to carry on just do it....if its not costing much to put on you have nt got alot to lose...things may improve

when we used to go to stafford at the top of the world ,,some weeks there were sometimes only 50 people in but it was still great and i still went every two weeks as i loved the place and music regardless of how many were in...

i know its 20 years on but you can only try your best

keep your chin up mate...

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hi mace

the only option is to keep going ,,if you , johnny and des are happy to carry on just do it....if its not costing much to put on you have nt got alot to lose...things may improve

when we used to go to stafford at the top of the world ,,some weeks there were sometimes only 50 people in but it was still great and i still went every two weeks as i loved the place and music regardless of how many were in...

i know its 20 years on but you can only try your best

keep your chin up mate...

Hi Mark.

It's not my venue or promotion, I'm just gutted for Johnny and Des and bewildered that such an event can fail because the carpet may be sticky or the decor outdated.

We are not talking about no heating or flooded toilets here, just a venue that has been run down overtime due to a different part of Crewe becoming more 'fashionable' to drink in over the last few years.



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...can anyone explain the difference between Steam, and other 'seedy' venues of successful quality soul nighters such as Sheridans etc.

Sheridans was always a much easier place to get to from all parts of the North... and had a much more free and easy attitude amongst the management/staff (Manager at Crewe was a miserable twat and didn't mind letting you know it...including shutting shop early if it wasn't up to his accepted level of attendance.)

Burnley (which is a very nice room) last weekend had no 'greater name' DJs and a similar music policy and was busy...

So what do you put it down to? Venue? Hype? Currently in vogue?

I still think the uncertainty of whether events are going ahead, which room they will be in, what the attendance will be and whether the place will be loppy all now count against the place as a venue.

Find somewhere else and releaunch the night... i'm sure you'll do better.

You might even persuade me to come along again.

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Sheridans was always a much easier place to get to from all parts of the North... and had a much more free and easy attitude amongst the management/staff (Manager at Crewe was a miserable twat and didn't mind letting you know it...including shutting shop early if it wasn't up to his accepted level of attendance.)

Burnley (which is a very nice room) last weekend had no 'greater name' DJs and a similar music policy and was busy...

So what do you put it down to? Venue? Hype? Currently in vogue?

I still think the uncertainty of whether events are going ahead, which room they will be in, what the attendance will be and whether the place will be loppy all now count against the place as a venue.

Find somewhere else and releaunch the night... i'm sure you'll do better.

You might even persuade me to come along again.

I don't know what to put it down to personally Joe.

Not been the same management for a while, and new guy is pretty easy going.

It's never been a busy venue from day one, and there has been a lot of changes at Steam, but I believe Johnny and Des did that to try and find a formulae that worked...obviously to no avail.

Ah well, I can only hope they decide to find an alternative to Steam.

In respect to Burnley, and its DJ lineup, what sort of numbers define busy, 100/150? Not that it has any bearing on quality of music or atmosphere if room is suited to numbers, but wonder how 'busy' is defined for a rare soul nighter....not sure anywhere with this type of music policy is pulling numbers over 150 at moment.

I've not made it too Burnley yet cus fridays are pretty much fcuked up for me at moment, but deffo need to give it a go, heard very good reports.

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In respect to Burnley, and its DJ lineup, what sort of numbers define busy, 100/150? Not that it has any bearing on quality of music or atmosphere if room is suited to numbers, but wonder how 'busy' is defined for a rare soul nighter....not sure anywhere with this type of music policy is pulling numbers over 150 at moment.

Probably somewhere between those two figures...

Was busy enough for the room though - plenty of atmosphere.

Maybe that's the problem with Steam - far too many people been there on nights when the place was lacking in atmosphere/numbers has put them off - I know some of the crowd I do nighters with have said that they won't go again because it's too far to risk a bad night on...

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been twice, loved it!!!!!!!!1

Not beign funny...... Or anything.......Butttttttttttt

Went once....we were at the upstairs room........

Sat in a corner.........the roof was falling down on us

What does that make you think about a venue

Edited by asboannie
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Not beign funny...... Or anything.......Butttttttttttt

Went once....we were at the upstairs room........

Sat in a corner.........the roof was falling down on us

What does that make you think about a venue

Dunno, but you were at the same venue for the soul night on friday night and posted this on Keith Williams thread.......

Arrived home about hour ago
after a great weakend at Crewe, thanks Ann & Keith, unpacked the bags and sorted the dog out.........What can i say !!!!!!!! Yet again another great night at Steam On Up, all DJ's played a blinder Friday night, John played totaly diferent stuff to what I normaly hear him play.......nice one John
. Craig & Keith......again what can I say spot on
. So we will see you all next month, it seemes to get better and better with the sounds. Photos will be up 2 morrow.

Slightly confusing posts.....don't you agree?

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Dunno, but you were at the same venue for the soul night on friday night and posted this on Keith Williams thread.......

Arrived home about hour ago :hypo: after a great weakend at Crewe, thanks Ann & Keith, unpacked the bags and sorted the dog out.........What can i say !!!!!!!! Yet again another great night at Steam On Up, all DJ's played a blinder Friday night, John played totaly diferent stuff to what I normaly hear him play.......nice one John :shades: . Craig & Keith......again what can I say spot on :shades: . So we will see you all next month, it seemes to get better and better with the sounds. Photos will be up 2 morrow.

Slightly confusing posts.....don't you agree? huh.gif

that's wierd innit unsure.gif

which room does keith use?

can't wait to see the photos glad you had a great friday night shame you couldn't make saturday too, you would have had twice the fun



Edited by grumpyfella
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Myself, Chico and Pat travelled the 56 miles over to Crewe, and musically it was a good night, pity about the numbers, maybe 2 nights running in the same venue kept some of the locals away, which would have helped the numbers. Johnny said Saturday he would rather shut door than change his policy, so there no going down the oldie route just to fill the place. :shades:

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Myself, Chico and Pat travelled the 56 miles over to Crewe, and musically it was a good night, pity about the numbers, maybe 2 nights running in the same venue kept some of the locals away, which would have helped the numbers. Johnny said Saturday he would rather shut door than change his policy, so there no going down the oldie route just to fill the place. :shades:


thanks(on behalf of everyone) for your support and glad you liked the tunes.

i know chico enjoyed the magenta track


phil :shades:

Edited by grumpyfella
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I don't know what to put it down to personally Joe.

Not been the same management for a while, and new guy is pretty easy going.

It's never been a busy venue from day one, and there has been a lot of changes at Steam, but I believe Johnny and Des did that to try and find a formulae that worked...obviously to no avail.

Ah well, I can only hope they decide to find an alternative to Steam.

Hiya Mace,

Just a thought - This venue or these promotors haven't had any 'fallings out' with anyone have they??...They've not suffered from other's spreading 'bad press' about the nite have they??....it's not an accusation or an outrageous suggestion. I know nothing about niter politics these days so it's an innocent question??.....


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Dunno, but you were at the same venue for the soul night on friday night and posted this on Keith Williams thread.......

Arrived home about hour ago
after a great weakend at Crewe, thanks Ann & Keith, unpacked the bags and sorted the dog out.........What can i say !!!!!!!! Yet again another great night at Steam On Up, all DJ's played a blinder Friday night, John played totaly diferent stuff to what I normaly hear him play.......nice one John
. Craig & Keith......again what can I say spot on
. So we will see you all next month, it seemes to get better and better with the sounds. Photos will be up 2 morrow.

Slightly confusing posts.....don't you agree?

Yes put a different room alltogether !

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that's wierd innit :shades:

which room does keith use?

can't wait to see the photos glad you had a great friday night shame you couldn't make saturday too, you would have had twice the fun

cheers phil

What has that to do with you, where I was on Sat night.....People do have other things going on in there lifes as well, not only NS........ :shades:

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Yes put a different room alltogether !

I take it you were in the Camelot Suite (1st room up the stairs)

The previous 2 or 3 allnighters have been in the exact same room.

Saturdays Allnighter was in Jesters, which is far better room than Camelot in my opinion.

Not being funny...Buuuuutttttt....Perhaps the some of the 'falling ceiling' in the upstairs room struck you on the head and slightly confused you on these points.....not as though you would have an alterior motive for your posting is it? :shades:

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Hiya Mace,

Just a thought - This venue or these promotors haven't had any 'fallings out' with anyone have they??...They've not suffered from other's spreading 'bad press' about the nite have they??....it's not an accusation or an outrageous suggestion. I know nothing about niter politics these days so it's an innocent question??.....


Not as I know Jayne.

Des Parker is one of the nicest guys on the scene that I know.

It seems to be a popular enough venue with promoters by the looks of things, just not punters! :shades:

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I take it you were in the Camelot Suite (1st room up the stairs)

The previous 2 or 3 allnighters have been in the exact same room.

Saturdays Allnighter was in Jesters, which is far better room than Camelot in my opinion.

Not being funny...Buuuuutttttt....Perhaps the some of the 'falling ceiling' in the upstairs room struck you on the head and slightly confused you on these points.....not as though you would have an alterior motive for your posting is it? :thumbsup:

No the room above !!!!! and yes stuff was falling off the ceiling, and no not confused as you might suggested. Was there with other friends from North Wales, and no !!!!!!!! there is not any alterior motive to this at all. :(

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wow what a weekend part 2.

having been to nuneaton coop earlier, back on the motorway to steam alniter, got there about 2ish, and i must remind you , me and woody are supposed to be on our weekend away, there were more peeps there than the last time, and the music, is superb, and I take a humble bow to beggs and Des, for having the courage and the fiendish incite, and the wonderful passion for breaking new tunes, and giving DJ,s the chance to play what the fcuk they like, because that is where you will hear some records that could be, and probably, almost will be, monster tunes.and don't forget soulies, Des and the like, wherever they decide to do it at, this is CUTTING EDGE SOUL AT ITS FCUKING BEST!!!!!!I am sure, that he will find some were else, and where ever they decide to do it at, we will be there if we can.there has been a lot of valid points made here already, so I wont bother, just go on to say, we left at around 5.30, ish back on the motorway , till we were too tired and crashed at a travel lodge, back on the motorway again, to our final weekend getaway, blimey did not get back till 3,30 Mon afternoon, today I am knackered, but you know what ,would do it gladly all over again, why, because we love this soul business stuff, and as long as we both feel that way we will keep on doin it, the first thing we did when we got home, not sleep no way, we get the tunes out, good god my house is like a shite hole, but who gives a fig...

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