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Quite agree-prices for  rare records,books and every other kind of 'collectable' will  surely plummet over the coming months and into next  year (and this pandemic could well go on into 2021 if we look at the  equivalent 1918/19 Spanish Flu pandemic,even taking into account the advances in medical science) with no all-nighters(or Soul events of any kind) no record fairs ,record shops or even car boot sales for buying or selling -only the internet alive and trading .With the seriousness of the situation,though, not to mention the perilous financial reality many are now in because of it,records are possibly not high up in the priorities of many right now-even seasoned collectors-or dealers come to that. Not a good time for either at the moment,though may be good for buyers eventually, when or if shops/sellers have 'closing down sales'

Having said that,the world of records and record collectors has always been an endearing,eccentric world of it's own,so I may well be wrong!

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You are surely right John but at the moment most people on this site aren't ready to accept the fact.

The membership of this site is older and maybe many still have funds, at least for awhile. The current crisis will hit the younger generation first.

Robbie Vincent used to say that Soul Music should be on the NHS - seems a facile comment now.



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I think you'd get Malcolm Hayes from anywhere between £70 and £100 but as John states I think prices will have to drop in the current climate. I'm seeing a lot of Soul friends posting on Facebook that they've lost their jobs , no income , no record buying.


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4 hours ago, Firecrest said:

You are surely right John but at the moment most people on this site aren't ready to accept the fact.

The membership of this site is older and maybe many still have funds, at least for awhile. The current crisis will hit the younger generation first.

Robbie Vincent used to say that Soul Music should be on the NHS - seems a facile comment now.



The immediate effect due to £-$ rate was to make them more expensive if buying from USA.

Overall though I have been thinking about it, particularly buying through the mail and the chances of the virus being passed on if it can survive for 72 hours on surfaces.

I got a 45 yesterday from Southampton. Found myself washing my hands after handling packaging, then on removing 45 from a protective plastic sleeve and then playing the actual record. I then figured this is bloody ridiculous.

If the 72 hours advice is reliable then I guess after being delivered [postman has touched it] if you wait that long to open should be no chance of catching virus ?

Because most of my buys are off US eBay which are first sent to a mate in NJ I'm thinking I may stop buying because I don't want to put him in any danger as the situation in the USA seems to be much worse than here. More cases in NYC than in the entire UK.

What do others think ?   


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1 hour ago, Modernsoulsucks said:

The immediate effect due to £-$ rate was to make them more expensive if buying from USA.

Overall though I have been thinking about it, particularly buying through the mail and the chances of the virus being passed on if it can survive for 72 hours on surfaces.

I got a 45 yesterday from Southampton. Found myself washing my hands after handling packaging, then on removing 45 from a protective plastic sleeve and then playing the actual record. I then figured this is bloody ridiculous.

If the 72 hours advice is reliable then I guess after being delivered [postman has touched it] if you wait that long to open should be no chance of catching virus ?

Because most of my buys are off US eBay which are first sent to a mate in NJ I'm thinking I may stop buying because I don't want to put him in any danger as the situation in the USA seems to be much worse than here. More cases in NYC than in the entire UK.

What do others think ?   


Rod, i think there's less chance of you getting the virus in this way than you finding yourself standing next me in a same-sex Elvis themed marriage chapel in Los Vagus tomorrow! Now, if your mate has a DIY  novichok lab in his house, I'd be more weary.

If you're still worried, don't buy anymore records and buy some jigsaws instead.

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as said many times now

if you are going to post health/medical advice to other members on here then do please post a link to an official uk resource as a reference as well (or in lieu) as well as the advice

the current uk govt advice does cover the virus life on surfaces



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8 minutes ago, Mike said:

as said many times now

if you are going to post health/medical advice to other members then please post  a link to an official uk resource as a reference as well

the current govt advice does cover the virus life on surfaces



Sorry Mike.

Going off something like this

https://www.livescience.com/how-long-coronavirus-last-surfaces.html, which of course isn't a UK source but is referring to medical studies.

But then I missed "we don't really know"

I've had a word with myself and will desist spreading anymore alarm. 

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Just now, Modernsoulsucks said:

Sorry Mike.

Going off something like this

https://www.livescience.com/how-long-coronavirus-last-surfaces.html, which of course isn't a UK source but is referring to medical studies.

But then I missed "we don't really know"

I've had a word with myself and will desist spreading anymore alarm. 

no probs Rod

my post was more about Simons reply really

but your reply here does sort of demo, why I feel there is a need to post links etc to try and keep things as factual as possible in this fluid situation 👍



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 Thanks Mike.

Slightly OT but I guess to do with "alarm"

I've mentioned my stepson being advised by 111 first to self-isolate and then a week later diagnosed over the phone as probably having the virus.

Last night he felt short of breath and was taken by ambulance to hospital. Examined by a doctor who said he had the flu plus a severe chest infection and sent him home. They have tested him and he'll know the result in 3 days but looks like he never had it in the first place.


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Returning to the initial post, much depends on whether-you are buying or selling. As we enter a period of national and global recession, record dealers will face a real slump. The pound has just dropped hugely against the dollar so the value of past, present and future sales is wide open to question. Many asking prices recently have been unrealistic as collectors have tried to unload cheap acquisitions for three figure sums. Much depends on how many copies of a certain record are on the open market at a given time -  buyers all want a bargain so sellers need to price their wares according to what the competitors are expecting. Finally, sellers should ask themselves about realistic profit margins and be prepared to let items go for less than top dollar yet still make a decent mark-up above the price they first paid.

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