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Anyone Ever Get Anything Nicked At Wigan

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talkin to a mate and recalled the time i had my adidas bag nicked containing a full length leather coat ,a box of around 50 records,deoderant and two dirty shirts, it got nicked from the main hall by one of the tables,and we found an empty adidas bag at the bottom of the staircase off the record bar completely empty dirty shirts and all. any one else get anything nicked by the :wanker:

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Guest Matt Male


Don't get me started on this topic. Had a bag nicked with a brand new Harrington jacket, peanut butter sandwiches and a can of shandy. When i got home my dad went mad and phoned the Casino but only got one of the cleaning ladies :laugh:

Worst thing was on the way home my mates were saying 'no one ever steals anything at Wigan' like we're all soulies together. Yeah right :angry:

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talkin to a mate and recalled the time i had my adidas bag nicked containing a full length leather coat ,a box of around 50 records,deoderant and two dirty shirts, it got nicked from the main hall by one of the tables,and we found an empty adidas bag at the bottom of the staircase off the record bar completely empty dirty shirts and all. any one else get anything nicked by the wanker.gif

Unfortunately , pilfering did occur at WC , which the above replies are only a few of many . It is well known that there were some individuals who - never mind taking your possessions - would have taken your internal organs if they could .

Malc Burton

Edited by Malc Burton
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I had a bagfull of appettite suppressants confiscated by the drug squad one night... just seconds after disembarking from the Wolverhampton coach . The local plod were very friendly though even allowed me to stay bed and breakfast at the nearby cop shop , very accomodating .. Jenko

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Well completely the opposite for me -lost my brand new silver bracelet my dad bought me for my 18th birthday and I didn't realise till i got home-phoned the casino and someone had handed it in picked it up the next week. Just shows there are decent people out there.

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Guest bazabod_downunder

Caught some lad riffling through my bag, on being caught out it was...'sorry, thought it was my bag'....yeah right!



talkin to a mate and recalled the time i had my adidas bag nicked containing a full length leather coat ,a box of around 50 records,deoderant and two dirty shirts, it got nicked from the main hall by one of the tables,and we found an empty adidas bag at the bottom of the staircase off the record bar completely empty dirty shirts and all. any one else get anything nicked by the wanker.gif

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all in all there were loads of good people at wigan,but quite a few dross as well

Yes that pretty well sums it up.

I got robbed twice in the early days once in beachcomber and once on the car park.

After a record buying trip to the states in 77, I had done really well in sales, money in every pocket.

I went for a dance and a wad came out of one of my pockets, and one of the other dancers picked it up and give it it to me.

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ikettes - peaches and cream - stateside demo - i brought it - put it in my mates bag - gone with numerous other items about 2 hours later

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didnt get robbed but almost stabbed it was in the first few weeks arrived in the multi storey carpark with a mate as we entered there was a copper stood outside staring into space looking bored, when we got out of the car in the car park some psyco appeared with a big knife he had me cornered he wasnt going to rob me but the deal was 'youre going to help me kill the copper or ill kill you' my mate was stood a little bit away frozen with terror and all i could do was try to talk him down which i did eventually and it seemed like hours and in reality probibly was, by the time we got out the police was long gone [probibly heard what went on and scarpered]

a year or two later i was nabbed and beaten up and locked up for 2 days by the d.s theres gratitude!

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you got to be having a laugh .for the first few years was brill . then didnt go up there for a few months then on my next visit got turned over by the fake ds these lot to me was the real scum of all time . then after a few years i wanderd up and saw some well known theives in numbers all over the place , more villans up there than most folks come across in a life time

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Guest soulalone

On a similar theme, we once went up to Wigan on a coach from Hull with a few certain rougues that were attending at the time. Halfway through the night I think someone went on a reccy around the town centre and found a gun/sports shop and broke into it. Realising they needed a vehicle to stash their ill gotten gains in, they enlisted our coach driver, who kindly parked the coach next to the shop so they could load up the goods, he was helpful like that ! It was a strange journey home, I remember stopping at the motorway sevices and people breaking out the air rifles and having a bit of a turkey shoot. If I remember rightly they even did the same shop about a month later ! Pete.G

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Found my Major Harris on Can Epic in someones 50 box...thats inviting barb heads back, that was unmistakable Peter S written on b side in marker...Gene Anderson also there i think but couldn't say deff so let it go!

Did find bag of wraps. with Phil Shelton, hidden in little toilet behind the stage left it intact but swapped the parephenalia with them as it looked newer than ours........................makes me shudder now


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  • 2 months later...
Guest wigan bob

On a similar theme, we once went up to Wigan on a coach from Hull with a few certain rougues that were attending at the time. Halfway through the night I think someone went on a reccy around the town centre and found a gun/sports shop and broke into it. Realising they needed a vehicle to stash their ill gotten gains in, they enlisted our coach driver, who kindly parked the coach next to the shop so they could load up the goods, he was helpful like that ! It was a strange journey home, I remember stopping at the motorway sevices and people breaking out the air rifles and having a bit of a turkey shoot. If I remember rightly they even did the same shop about a month later ! Pete.G

thats true the coach driver grassed them all up when they got home

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Some badges off my bag and my purseangry.gif - we used to sit upstairs by the Ladies toilets overlooking the balcony

Remember there was a phase of nicking badges. had one on my zip up jumper which I wore to / from WC. Anyway one of our lads had all his cut off his bag one night. Noticed this at the station going home- we all started laughing at him, and he said "Hang on Where's yours gone?". looked down on my jumper and someone had cut that off too!

Sure they are all up on ebay now for £100 :thumbsup:

Edited by Steve G
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Never had any money on me to steal as I lived on the bones of me arse back in the day :D was never owt in me bag worth stealin either...but I got me sheepskin knicked and I was gutted...loved it and it was irreplaceable...left it in the car...not thinkin straight...good job I ate the sweeties out o the pocket first :no::D

The thievin robbin barstewards angry.gif

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hatsoff2.gif tell ya a true stoorie..i nearly alwaysed danced at the bottom left corner,wiv me pals..bomber..chris..spud..blah.blah..record finished,so i thurt,i,ll av a pee pee..went in the bogs..by stairs..as i walked in that bloody big bouncer,,fatty..n the blonde headed one,grabbed me round the neck..n dragged me in the door left side ov the stage..up behind the stage is an office..mike walker sittin ..lukin at me..he sed..oii..blonde wer ya get all that cash from..in my pocket woz the sum ov £4.50..i sed its me friggin wages...dik ead..iv just got paid..friday nite..ay it..apprentice plumbers in 1975 earned £4.50..still got wage pakets...M.Walker..bouncers..ohhh weev got a clever bastard ear...RIGHT STRIP SERCH THE LIL FCKA...EE MIGHT AV GEAR..????? U NO WEN U CUD CRAWL UP UR OWN ARSE...PEEPS THEY VERTUALLY MADE ME.....HOUR lata...pushed me throo the door,,soddin NAKED,,CLOVES IN ME HAND..NAAR FKC OFF BLONDEY...hatsoff2.gif GUYS IF YA CAN REMEMBA A STREAKER...IT WOZ ME...laugh.gif


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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest JoJoW27

Yes in 1979 a pair of yellow dungarees, black sweat shirt with 'Jo' on front and 'Wigan Casino' on back and Speedo bag.

Had to travel back to Telford on the train without a change of clothes.

Smelly or what!

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Guest proudlove

Yes in 1979 a pair of yellow dungarees, black sweat shirt with 'Jo' on front and 'Wigan Casino' on back and Speedo bag.

Had to travel back to Telford on the train without a change of clothes.

Smelly or what!

Not nicked...................taken away by the style police.

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I got £3 taken off me inside the casino at knifepoint - was my money for the 4th anniversary ticket, happened in the corridor. 100% true.

Not quite the same but didn't some guys have a racket of trying to charge you 10p to get into the bogs, they just got fuck off from me, 5 of them 10p got me a soul pack.

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Guest aintgotit

It wasn't CBBC Phil it was on ITV

And here is a photo with one of his mates


does that make it a bungled theft?

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Guest Perception

I got £3 taken off me inside the casino at knifepoint - was my money for the 4th anniversary ticket, happened in the corridor. 100% true.

You should of said you didn't understand the question, I did and got away with it!! I did not want to buy a knife anyway!

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Guest Perception

talkin to a mate and recalled the time i had my adidas bag nicked containing a full length leather coat ,a box of around 50 records,deoderant and two dirty shirts, it got nicked from the main hall by one of the tables,and we found an empty adidas bag at the bottom of the staircase off the record bar completely empty dirty shirts and all. any one else get anything nicked by the wanker.gif

Well it wasn't Sunday School!

Without not nice people, it may not have had an edge!!!

They all had a part to play!

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  • 2 years later...

LOL - thought the thread title was: 'ever get nicked at Wigan'...

I just had to re read it after seeing your post! Was going down the same road with my (now withdrawn) reply!

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Guest allnightandy


Don't get me started on this topic. Had a bag nicked with a brand new Harrington jacket, peanut butter sandwiches and a can of shandy. When i got home my dad went mad and phoned the Casino but only got one of the cleaning ladies laugh.gif

Worst thing was on the way home my mates were saying 'no one ever steals anything at Wigan' like we're all soulies together. Yeah right angry.gif

Your mate obviously never went to the toilets while at the Casino then LoL
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